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Grinder upside down vs adding kief back

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Vaked420, Jan 9, 2013.

  1. Hi all! I have an mflb that I use exclusively. I usually don't like straight kief bowls just because of the thickness of the hit and the intensity of the high. I usually grind my weed upside down to get the grind finer and then flip it right side up and collect the kief to top back on the weed.

    What I'm wondering is if instead of flipping it right side up if I just take out the weed while its still upside down will I lose some of the trichs on my fingers or will it be as potent as adding the kief back on top?
  2. it's the same thing basically, you will still have X amount of trics on the bud and whether it's collected in a separate chamber or not, it will stay the same amount.
  3. Ok thanks. I wasn't sure f a significant amount was lost in handling it or not. Thanks for the info!

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