Great time in Colorado.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by RedganjaDown, Mar 20, 2016.

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    We had a great time in Colorado this past week.
    Went up with my daughters to look around at some houses. In going to have to relocate before the shit hits the fan.
    First town we came to was Trinidad, but I missed the exit so said screw it. Next town up the 25 was Walsenberg. There was an old Puzza Hut that had been turned into the Bud Hut. I guess there's more dough in cannabis than pizza.
    Got to Pueblo and if you ever go, stay near the I-25 and US 50 intersection exits 100-102 area
    I got to visit 3 other dispensaries. Went to the 2 in Pueblo West, short drive west of Purblo. Read a local newspaper that said Pueblo was changing their restrictions on cannabis and so stores will be opening there soon as the rules are built.
    Went to The Spot. So named because well, it's the spot. They had good stuff there. Nice selections of herb.
    The other one there is called Pueblo West Organics. They were also good and had some kind of daily all strains $10 a g. I picked up 3.
    Drive to Aurora on a road trip and went to Medicine Man. I didn't get to hit the Denver store though. It was 5 rush hour. No way.
    Got to ask a lot of questions and got some good answers. Even picked up a paper job app, even though I don't have the industry cert card. Sorta like a food service cards some states require. At The Spot even got to see boxes of new produce arrive. Hope some of the pics will upload.

    "Penalties against drug use should not be more damaging to an individual than the use of the drug itself. Nowhere is this more clear than in the laws against the possession of marijuana in private for personal use."
    Former President Jimmy Carter, message to Congress, August 2, 1977

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  2. The mortgage lender guy I'm using in Pueblo, called me this evening and told me what they can loan me. It'll be an older smaller house, but I'm 53. What do I need really?
    I just got to get my past pay stubs and bank statements printed off and sent in.
    I'm ready. Living in a "state of Prohibition" sucks.
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  3. I want to head up there when I got a car. Also your attachment touches me. (Forgot what you call them things.) The jimmy carter statement
  4. That's so cool that they have coupons lol. Didn't know dispensaries had those
  5. Glad you had a great time on your visit. Maggie's farm also has a medical/retail store in Pueblo West next to Walmart, it's worth a try.

    Glad you are going to be able to find a place. I relocated about a year and a half ago and live near Cañon City about 30 minutes west of Pueblo West on 50.
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  6. Yea, they advertise in various magazines as well as various sales papers. If you ever come out look for a Westward magazine or Colorado Springs Independant. Those two always have some type of coupons.
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  7. Sounds like a fun trip

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