Great stealth grow tip***blocking light

Discussion in 'Security' started by paulsharke, Jun 12, 2011.

  1. i have a friend growing in a wadrobe in his bedroom for stealth but he still had the problem of the light escaping out the windows when he opened the it was a stealth grow he didnt want black out sheeting plastered across his windows as visitors to his house might see it so we came up with a plan....
    we took 2 normal patterned curtains ..we then cut up the outer seem of the curtain and placed inside the curtain total black out sheeting then stitched it back up now from both outside and inside it just looks like he has his curtains drawn but it does a great job blocking out light when he opens his grow cupboard

    hope this tip can help some people ******
  2. Hmm that's a really good idea because yeah black out sheeting easily draws suspicion. Very nice
  3. Awesome great idea, i will probz need to do that because i live in the city and i have a big bay window looking onto a main high street, so i feel if i blacked my window out i would either be robbed , or raided lol + rep.
  4. Simple and effective trick. Good stuff indeed!


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