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Greastest Weight in One Sitting

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by DaYouka, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. was curious today, wondering about the greatest amount individuals have smoked in one sitting.

    i'm sitting at .75oz in two blunts, one friend.
  2. 14 threads down -- huge thread question answered. /thread
  3. 2.5 grams split between a friend and me. we had huge bowls in my bong, two bowls in my buddies helix bowl, and a pretty stuffed joint. we got really baked lol. i was actually rather uncomfortable at first. highest i've ever been in my life
  4. 2 maybe three took like an hour.the room stunk so bad afterwards not even a fan could cover the smell.oh wait where not talking about taking a shit?
  5. An ounce to myself throughout an afternoon. Its easy if you have a nice bong your only obstacle is being to stoned to do another bong rip.
  6. Wouldn't .75 oz. be 21 grams? How did you fit 21 grams in 2 blunts?
  7. ^^super blunts^^

    and 1 oz actually 29 gs in one afternoon about a half oz in one blunt hotboxed in a car.

    bad idea, we almost died.

    after about 25 minutes of smoking we had to get out and finish it while the car aired out
  8. 3 grams :smoke::smoke::smoke:
  9. like 100 bajillion grams

    .... i don't know, i've never weighed out a session before. why would i? so i can post it on a forum? haha for realz d00d
  10. So you can contribute to conversations.
  11. when i smoke all the time now im exclusive vaping or bong smoking some avb atm back to topic we smoked 2 ozs in one siting 3 of us
  12. One time i smoked a half ounce with a couple other friends in my garage. The bud was all rolled up in joints and blunts and I was waiting the shrooms to hit

  13. haha gotta love that
  14. happens to me ALL the time!!
  15. about 2.5grams of regs with a gram of day.

  16. well, 'two-blunts' actually equal several blunts wrapped into two very long and fat blunts. it was a masterpiece.
  17. That sounds like it would be amazing to do like, once a year :)

  18. its not like weight watchers, just a fun thing that happened where in which i had knowledge of the amount. but way to look cool. ya didnt have to post. for realz d00d.

  19. how is the vaporizer? ive yet to come across one. that's a hefty load; i bet it was a dream.
  20. 7.5g's within an hour for a blowout before me and my gf took a t-break

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