Grasscity Forums and being out of weed.

Discussion in 'The Great Outdoors' started by Jaxx, Nov 24, 2009.

  1. Alright, I don't know about you guys, but I'm pretty unhappy when I don't have weed around me. I don't have to be high all the time (I prefer it, haha), but, and I'm sure a lot of you are with me, I just have to have it around for the psychological "assurance"?

    Oops, I had a it is: Does anyone else use to get them through the times of no weed? Because I do. Reading about weed, posting and seeing pictures of beautiful bud does help me get through the dry times. And for me, a college student...working at Abercrombie & Fitch, there are A LOT of dry times.

    Like now. Fuck. :mad:

    Anyone have anything to add?

    - Jaxx
  2. Sure man im not smoking due to upcoming court and i find the Gc just helps pass the time. Bud is just..interesting you know..haha idk

    But yeah i like to have a lil back up bud by my side to
  3. haha I know the feeling. I'm currently out, have been since thursday afternoon(blows) . GC definitely helps get through it because there isn't shit on tv worth watching so I go to the stash jar and look up Bud Porn. Sometimes it's not the best decision because then I just wanna toke more and more.
    Haha I watch milkshot videos and pretend that it's me ripping the beautiful trip-perc quad chambered 4-ash catchered with glycerin coils (not really but kinda)
  4. I barely even talk about weed on here anymore, considering i haven't smoked in a month and wont be able to for another 3 years.
  5. Remember relying on a dedicated list of websites when you couldnt lose your v card?

    yea :eek: its like that sometimes
  6. bro, i think me and you are related. haha right now im taking a forced t-break cuz i'm waiting to hear from the court about some marijuana related incident. whenever i get an urge to toke, i just go on GC and post my opinions on all sorts of this one. fuck.
  7. I know exactly what you mean, just knowing that it's there even if I'm not smoking it makes life soooo much easier.

  8. Lol dude thats what im doing now.....i have no weed atm and im searching treads like this to keep my thoughts from weed :)

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