Grass filter - Ultra Grass

Discussion in 'General' started by MGRaiden97, Oct 4, 2014.

  1. I have this vape pipe that extends and can be used like a one hitter, or extend to use it as a vaporizer. I put good weed in the one hitter part, but didn't smoke it. I extended the pipe and vaped it, and the weed acted as a "filter" for the vapor.
    I don't know exactly what it is, but I will just call it res. There is this stuff that will be on the weed in the one hitter piece, and if you look closely it is really shiny, and it also smells sweet. This weed is filtering getting something from the vapor.
    Since it was still good weed, I smoked it out of a bong. It was about the size of a pea, and when i lit it, the smoke from the weed was intense, it was milked in seconds and was a ton of smoke for the amount. 
    I also must mention that I was completely stoned off of it.

    I know someone has already done this so I would like to know what it is.


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