Granny needs a little feed-back!

Discussion in 'General' started by Storm Crow, Feb 3, 2012.

  1. #1 Storm Crow, Feb 3, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2012
    OK, I have the new List all ready! Just finished up the final draft and I want to run it by you guys before I start sending the whole thing out!

    Well, here I am again, staring at this blank screen, trying to figure out what to say so you will share the information I have gathered. “Once the medical facts about cannabis become known, the need for legalization becomes obvious!” How many times have I said that? I need YOU to educate those around you. I can’t do it alone!

    At times, it seems so futile- this never-ending battle against ignorance about cannabis. But I can’t give up - this simple herb has some amazing uses and people need to know what it can do.

    Cannabis should be treated like any other medicinal herb, because that’s what it is, just an herbal medicine with a rather pleasant side effect- you feel “high”. Unlike common aspirin, cannabis never kills by overdose. Compared to some pharmaceutical’s side effects, the “cotton-mouth”, “red eye”, “munchies” and “feeling a just bit too good” from using cannabis seems so trivial!

    As Americans, we should be free to exercise our right to choose the type of medicines that we take. Anyone exhibiting the first signs of Alzheimer’s should be able to choose between Aricept, Marinol, or natural cannabis to slow the deposit of mind-clogging amyloid plaque.

    “When tested at double the concentration of THC, Aricept blocked plaque formation only 22% as well as THC, and Cognex blocked plaque formation only 7% as well as THC.” (Marijuana May Slow Alzheimer's - WebMD, 2006)

    Marinol is just a capsule of a pure synthetic THC dissolved in sesame oil. It will work, but some people find that it causes anxiety because it lacks CBD (cannabidiol) to balance the THC high.

    Natural cannabis has CBD and other cannabinoids in it, which act in a different way to slow the progress of Alzheimer’s. (“Cannabidiol and other cannabinoids reduce microglial activation in vitro and in vivo: relevance to Alzheimer’s disease” - Molecular Pharmacology, 2011) I know which I would logically choose, but in 2/3s of the US, and everywhere by federal law, that choice is forbidden to us. Our government has banned our best choice!

    Then there are thousands facing the severe nausea of chemotherapy- will they be able to keep an anti-nausea pill down long enough for it to work? Wouldn’t it be simpler to inhale some cannabis vapor, or smoke, and get almost instantaneous relief? In 16 states, you can!

    And the pain from cancer? “Medical Marijuana a Success in Israel” – “More than two-thirds of cancer patients who were prescribed medical marijuana to combat pain are reportedly satisfied with the treatment” Are we less free than the Israelis? THEY are free to get legal, prescribed cannabis for cancer pain- are you? Our neighbor, Canada, has legal medical cannabis, and their government grows cannabis for patients! And surprise! The US has 4 federally legal MMJ patients and grows for them. The program is closed. No new patients allowed! Why? And why is cannabis research, all but banned in the US? This prohibitionist foolishness has to end!

    2012 is supposed to be a time of change, an “interesting” year. It is time for us to demand a change in the laws on cannabis! We must keep telling the truth, keep presenting the facts to our friends and our families. The facts are there in PubMed- cannabis IS medicine! Our government lies to us about cannabis! And folks- “If the truth won’t do, then something is wrong!”

    OK- tear it apart- find every flaw or "clear as mud" spot! :D

    Granny :wave:
  2. Looks just fine to me! Great job as usual:hello:
    Thanks for putting such great effort into our cause!!!!!

  3. Please explain that paragraph to me. I'm pretty sure I'm misreading that.

    But other than that it's golden :smoke:
  4. looking good granny! - if i can get on the mailing list, could use a revised copy to fwd out!
  5. if you could change any place where it has "i", and you 3rd person pronouns, so that it would show that not just support it, but that everyone supports it, kinda like stating it as a fact, and not an opinion; other than that it was great
  6. This depending on how you're writing it objectively, now it somewhat has a homely 'Granny' feel, if you're attempting to appeal to everyone with a professional/clean aspect I would consider this as well as try not to bold, underline and use all caps on words like "THEY", though you only did once.

    a great read regardless.
  7. #7 Storm Crow, Feb 3, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2012
    Actually you may have read it right! The results are pretty mind-blowing!

    "When tested at double the concentration of THC, Aricept blocked plaque formation only 22% as well as THC, and Cognex blocked plaque formation only 7% as well as THC.”

    Basically, they took 3 test tubes and put brain cells in them. Test tube #1 had Aricept added to it at a certain level. Test tube #2 had Cognex added to it at the same level as the Aricept.

    Test tube #3 had HALF of the Aricept amount of THC added to it. Then all were flooded with amyloid plaque. And the THC still beat the pants off of the other two! :eek:

    Anyone else wonder what would have happened if they had given the test tube #3's brain cells a full dose?

    THC FTW! :hello: :smoke: :yay:

    Granny :wave:
  8. This was amazing as always, the wisdom you have is awesome.
  9. I'm posting for the sub

    Loved the read, how can we help more actively?

    I also wanted to say thanks granny for your hard work and so does my family. I'm bi polar and your constant preaching about omega 3 forced me to listen....showed my wife the info and we got the pills and after a month or so I know it's working. After thousands of dollars on doctors and over the counters you healed me.

    If there is any way to repay what you have done for me and my family I would gladly do it. any time I see your posts now I make sure to stop and read

  10. granny, you are fantastic. i really enjoy reading the things you have posted, you're really informed and i wish the people could hear you speak the way we do. the world needs to hear the facts, and not ignorant government bullshit.
  11. A for effort.

    But seriously I can't beleive people are still fighting for legalization...

    We've got plenty of other issues to worry about, and sadly..

    ..Some stupid plant being accepted is not one of them.

  12. that just caught my eye :D looks awesome though!! definitely put together well! im sure i speak for all the blades in GC when i say we appreciate all your super informative posts!

  13. but with the people taking tax money and jail space, or the people who die while trafficking marijuana into the states, it's still not a legit cause?
    and i know you don't think it's stupid, or else you wouldn't be a member of this board.
    there are serious issues all over the world, and we're just trying to tackle one at a time.
  14. I cannot disagree enough.
  15. Great read as always Granny

  16. yeah i dont mean to attack ya but i think legalization and further studying the medical benefit of cannabis can benefit the entire nation far more than you give credit. just like what stormcrow is showing here, it helps alzheimers, and shes posted numbers of case studies where thc/cbd show a lot of hope for cancer patients as well as many other diseases and such.

    thats probably the strongest point... then theres also the fact that itd reeeaally put a damper on the cartels and drug wars, save the nation tons of money wasted on bullshit legal matters over it, and bring in extra revenue from tourism and the pot culture that would come with it.. spin off industries like "coffeeshops" and all that.

    edit: sorry for the derail :eek:
  17. Nice job Granny! You never cease to amaze me;)
  18. OpenMindFields, click that first link in my sig. Just read the titles. Come back and tell me with a straight face that it's "just a stupid plant". Cannabis is MUCH more than "just" a way to get high!

  19. most of those issues would be solved through a freer market and a legalized plant.

    your car wouldn't run on fossil fuels, that is for sure.
  20. #20 Storm Crow, Feb 3, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2012
    You know how they keep wanting to use corn for making bio-diesel? Corn is roughly 3 % oil. For every 100 pounds of corn, you get 3 pounds of oil. A pint of most liquids weighs around a pound. You get 3 pints of oil to make into fuel.

    Cannabis seed has about 30% oil in it. For every 100 pounds of hemp seed, you get about 30 pints of oil - 3 and 3/4 gallons!

    Now which makes more sense to use? Cannabis or corn? (Got some studies and articles on this in the "MISCELLANEOUS" section of the new List!)


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