Grand Theft Auto V

Discussion in 'General' started by sourdank, Sep 13, 2013.

  1.    Well guys, as you all know Tuesday is the release of GTA V. I am just curious as to who all is interested in this game and what kind of expectations you guys may have. I know for a fact that I am super stoked. I hope I'm not the only gamer/stoner who DOES in fact have a life... Well maybe not a life after Tuesday.. 
    One Love


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  2. Its cool they increased the map size by like so much! I may get it but i dont really game anymore :/
  3. I'm really looking forward to the online. It's not just driving around and killing each!other like in IV. Apparently you can do heists, robberies all that stuff and you can buy an apartment and have all your own stuff. Super excited
  4. This is one game you will NOT want to miss. I am telling you. It is so anticipated and will definitely be game of the year if not generation haha.

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