Grammar nazi

Discussion in 'General' started by SloToke, Jan 25, 2009.

  1. lol I didn't even notice that until you said it
  2. Know othur Grammer Mi-Stakes?
  3. How Week!
  4. This thread is so lose...
  5. "I be (enter cool sentence here)."
  6. I got me a "_____."
    All, but meaning I'll
    Affect or effect...Some may never know
  7. People who start their titles/threads with 'So'. Even worse is starting with 'Yeah, so'.
    So is a contraction, and is not meant to start sentences!! Also, don't start your sentences with other contractions!! That includes and, but, or, !
  8. A lot of authors and English teachers have mixed feelings about that one, but another great example.

    I did not capitalize Nazi in the title. :eek:
  9. I hate it when people can't tell the difference between: there, their or they're.
  10. "Are" for "Our" gets to me as well.
  11. oh my god.
    when people say "same difference"
    it makes no sense.
    if 2 things have the same difference from each other, they are the same.
    if one thing has a hole in it, and the same object has an identical hole in it, they have the "same difference" , showing that they are the SAME THING.
    so just say "same thing" okay?
  12. same thing, same difference.. same difference man
  13. I notice that people only say same difference when they are trying to save face in a debate.

  14. it just pisses me off. because if 2 things have the same difference, they are the same thing. so just say they are one in the same?
  15. irregardless
    Why not just say, "regardless"
  16. I think all my favs have been posted

    The people who still don't know the difference between [to/too/two] [your/you're] [they're/their/there] [which/witch]

    Although I used to be guilty of writing "alright" instead of "all right" just because I think it deserves to be its own word by now...just like "cannot"
  17. #58 Bandelero, Jan 25, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2009
    They're using the term incorrectly then. The actual term "same difference" actually does make sense, and it doesn't mean they're the same thing.

    For example...

    "This color of this website is blue."
    "What are you talking about? It isn't red, it's green."
    "I said it was blue."
    "Same difference."

    Or you can think of it as a number line. -7 and 7 have the same difference from zero, but they're not the same thing.

    Either way, you shouldn't hate on "same difference." I like the phrase.
  18. Oh, and one more peeve:

    Weather and Whether.

  19. i totally get what your saying. but with -7 and 7 thing, they dont have the same difference. each number is 7 in the other direction. if it was |-7| and |7| then it would. but thats just me being my technical self : ]
    im not saying the phrase is wrong, its just a peeve of mine :smoking:

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