O.K. this is the deal I hate it when I am doing something important, and everything is fine and all of a sudden you have to take a shit(I call this the sneak manuver). I hate when this happens, I mean you don't even feel like you have to go and POW! You r on the toilet. Not really like the shits, just a regular poop that came out of nowhere. WTF! Anyone else have the sneaky? HAHA ! This thread is already funny. JOE>
joe you scared the hell outta me. i thought you were leaving the city! but yea, thats a bitch like your going to work and you pick up some food on the way, ten minutes after you get to work you gotta go....
since i had my gallbladder out, about 10 minutes after i eat ANYTHING i gotta shit(i can expect it now) but jesus when it first started *phew* i have never ran for a toilet like that in my life.....
Yea, i definatley know what you mean. I ran all through highschool, and after races sometimes it would come out of nowhere, haha
I call that the Gallbldder gumball race. I mean you got to get to a toilet or you might just shit your pants. JOE>