So I got into an argument about how Friend: if weed is so good medicinally, then why don't pharmacies sell it as medicine? Me: Because weed can be grown cheaply unlike Advil an they don't want their sales to diminish. Friend: Well you can make alcohol cheaply but alcohol companies still do good. Me:??? Can anyone back me up on why pharmacies don't sell medicinal marijuana?
You can make alcohol but people are too lazy to do it. They even have easy-bake breweries and people still buy alcohol And pharmacies dont sell marijuana because the policies have not been set out. You cant just start selling something because people think it helps. There is a shitload of red tape behind MMJ and you arent going to see joints being sold as CVS any time soon.
first of all brewing your own beer or wine is a bitch. it will take a couple months, and usually it tastes like shit. not to mention it is illegal to brew your own hard alcohol.
Harry J. Anslinger. this is why marijuana is illegal. watch the union. i think it explains why it was made illegal also
Because a naturally occurring plant cannot be patented, therefore its worthless (no matter how effective it is) to big pharma. Also, like you said, even if it could be patented or sold prices would have to be low due to the fact that is is relatively easy to grow. Cannabis is far easier to cultivate than is brewing alcohol. The privatized prison industry puts up big money to fund anti-legalization campaigns which continues filling their prisons thus creating more monetary value. The DEA continues its slander against marijuana in order to secure their own jobs, and the federal government likes to turn a blind eye because they get to do things like refuse federal loan money to students who have been arrested for possession, infringe on peoples civil liberties, and feed the prison industrial complex (job and revenue creator). Alcohol and tobacco companies are also among the top anti-legalization funders; they of course don't want their drugs being replaced by a safer, potentially more popular, alternative. Cannabis is the safest, most medically active natural substance on earth. It is illegal strictly out of reasons of ignorance, greed, racism, and empire building.