I got into a car accident 2 days ago and my life flashed right before my eyes. It was a head on collision going about 40 45mph, and ever since it happend i have just been thinking more than before how lucky i am and how i appreciate things more now and really see people care about me when before i had doubts. It's making me change my ways and realize there's so much in life.
Yeah car accidents are fucking scary... That disgusting smell from the air bags is permanantly stuck in my head to this day... When i first got my license i crashed my car 4 hours later.... Such a fail, i know.... Biggest regret of my life... Such a nice car, Avalon XS or something like that idk if i remember exactly what it was. Well i hope everything goes well for you, hopefully you didnt get hurt to bad?? If you dont mind me asking, was it your fault?? What happened?
damnnn 4 hours later? i would have been in so much trouble from my parents, probably wouldnt be allowed to drive any of their cars. what where you not driving when you had your permit???
Wow man sounds like you had it worse than me..and thank you i appreciate it and no i didnt really get hurt my neck is just hurting a lil...well i was going on a 2 lane road and the light turned yellow and i hit the gas it turned red when i was crossing a woman pulled infront of me i slammed on the brakes and my car went right into her instead of steering the other way..the witnesses are saying its my fault but i was in shock i couldnt even talk..but she also had a red light some people are saying well the passenger had a busted lip from the airbags there was 2 kids in the back thank god they didnt get hurt well the woman got out the car screaming and punched me in my face while there was like 15 people there and i just sat there i couldnt believe i crashed..im just scared i dont get sued and have to make monthly payments caz of their injuries.
Glad to see you didn't get hurt but, you're completely in the wrong for this. I can't believe how irresponsible you are for gunning it through on a red.
thanks appreciate it..It was yellow and when i crossed it turned red...i was going 40 so i kinda thought it would be better to pass thru the light rather than slamming on my breaks and end up in the middle of the intersection...either way im a idiot for what happend and lucky as fuck thanks man!
Yeah this one guy said "its called a accident " to her and then like her bf or w/e came down trying to fight and made a scene...im going to have it on tape tommorow hopefully caz it happend right infront of gas station
I totaled my car last November. I was doing 45 when my light turned yellow, but I was already about to cross the cross-walk. I looked up and I car blew the red light they had and were headed right for me. I slammed on the brakes and turned, but still t-boned her. I had to go through like a hour DUI test. I had been drinking earlier that night, but I hadn't drank for a few hours, so I passed that. But I had been smoking a joint when I crashed too. Lucky the cops didn't find the roach, I thought I threw it out of the window, but it landed on the inside of the door. But I passed there other test too and they let me go. I do get a little scared when I cross through an intersection still.
[quote name='"Jumbo"'] damnnn 4 hours later? i would have been in so much trouble from my parents, probably wouldnt be allowed to drive any of their cars. what where you not driving when you had your permit???[/quote] Nah i was driving when i had my permit... I was really high and i had a friend with me.. It was a left turn and i forgot you had to yield atthe green and wait until it was clear before you can turn... I thought that since it was green i had the right away... So right when he red light turned green i turned left straight into a car... I had my buddy grab all my weeh (half o) and i told him to take it and run... Luckily no one noticed or saw him.... But i totaled the car completely... Shit sucked...
[quote name='"Senseii"']Wow man sounds like you had it worse than me..and thank you i appreciate it and no i didnt really get hurt my neck is just hurting a lil...well i was going on a 2 lane road and the light turned yellow and i hit the gas it turned red when i was crossing a woman pulled infront of me i slammed on the brakes and my car went right into her instead of steering the other way..the witnesses are saying its my fault but i was in shock i couldnt even talk..but she also had a red light some people are saying well the passenger had a busted lip from the airbags there was 2 kids in the back thank god they didnt get hurt well the woman got out the car screaming and punched me in my face while there was like 15 people there and i just sat there i couldnt believe i crashed..im just scared i dont get sued and have to make monthly payments caz of their injuries. [/quote] Damn dude... That sucks... Yeah when you crash your car its like your in such denial at the moment... Its like "did i really just crash, wtf"... Such a shitty feeling... And why was the lady breaking wtf what a dumb fuck... Did she say why she breaked??? Thats both your faults... Were all the witnesses saying it was your fault?
Hit one person, at 40 mph, fucked their little ranger up like a mofo. Didn't do shit to my S-10 lol. After the cops left hopped back in mine and drove home. Guess it will be the last time he sits in park in the middle of the road.
so u were going through the crosswalk right as it turned red and she was already going? so did she go on a red light? if so, i don't see how this is entirely your fault if she tries to sue, just get a good lawyer and im sure you'd be fine. good thing no one got too hurt though, sorry bout your car