Got in trouble because of simple misunderstanding

Discussion in 'General' started by Kliider, Apr 6, 2009.

  1. In class on Friday our teacher who is really laid back (let's us swear, insult/hit eachother, etc.) kicked me out of the class because after he was telling everyone to sit down (end of class and everyone was just waiting to leave) I asked jokingly if he had some weird sitting fetish because he was saying it all class. But I didn't understand why it happened because I thought there were two definitions for fetish, an object of sexual attraction and just something you have A strange, high amount interest in. The weird part is that it seemed like he thought this too, cause he laughed then sort of got angry out of nowhere as if he just figured it out. I couldn't even explain myself cause he would just keep telling me to leave

    Well anyway in my school getting kicked out basically gets you written up and a seat in the deans for a sort of judgment and punishment. So how can I explain to my dean that I meant no disrespect and there was simply misunderstanding between me and the teacher?
  2. Say what you said in the paragraph above
  3. Tell the dean whats up.
  4. Bring a dub to the deans office and smoke him up
  5. ^^^ lol.

    Yeah, just explain. I'm sure you'll be fine.
  6. After a google search I found that the definition I was thinking of is a legitamite definition. So I guess I really will be alright
  7. Shit that is nothing.

    We entered a war because of a simple misunderstanding.
  8. That ain't shit mang.

    I got suspended once cuz I was walkin down the hall talkin on my blackberry n the assistant princapal came up to me n told me to give him his phone, i was slangin at the time, so i was like "fuck all of that shit man" and hes like "then you can not come back here for 3 days" n i looked at him, laughed, n said "fine bitch, thats 3 days off that i can sit at home n git fucked up, thanks for the punishment BOSS"... which in turn got me another week of suspension... gotta love gittin suspended though.. you get excused from all assignments and theres no other reprocussion.. what the fuck kind of punishment is that!?

    Anyways, tell that dean how it is.. dont let them bitches push ya around
  9. tell him whats up, let him know.

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