Got beaten up

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by tackthecack, Sep 2, 2012.

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  1. So me and a buddy are walking through my hometown on the big carnival type day. Pretty blazed and drunk. Anyway we ended up getting in a fight with a load of 15/16 year olds (a group of about 15 probably only 6 guys actually involved) because one of the girls walked into me and started pulling my hair so i tripped her to the ground....i had my two front teeth chipped in half so getting ready for a trip to the dentist....pretty annoying and dare i say it embarrassing
  2. Wait.. So a girl came up to you and started pulling your hair, so you tripped her and got your ass kicked? Something's missing....
  3. Pfft... Girls...
  4. honestly everyone was quite drunk so all i can remember clearly is tripping her up and then some guy headbutting me and my teeth getting fucked up....luckily my nose is intact
  5. I'm guessing there's at least one very significantly different side to this story. lol
  6. Which town mate? Sounds like you met a group of chavs haha.
  7. was that the notting hill carnival? I swear people get stabbed there every year lol
  8. believe that if you want but the guy who said we met a group of chavs was right
  9. how old are u and ur friend??? and size??? and them?
  10. two 18 year olds....pretty well built. They were about 15-18 and there were a lot of them
  11. a dude headbutted you? holy shit
  12. Man you shoulda been on that chica back. she sounds like she was interested in you. Why did you hit her?
  13. Ask them calmly who the biggest toughest fucker out of them is, then walk up to him and punch him so hard in the face it will be permanently deformed. If you can throw in a "YOU THINK I'M SOME KIND OF FUCKING CUNT?!" in there too, that's always effective
  14. Haha everyone always wants to fight. Pretty pathetic, can't we all just get along? Instead of tripping her I would have asked what the issue is. Talk it out calmly and if all else fails start HURTING people.. If you're going to push/trip a girl be ready to throw some hard punches and take some blows yourself. Seriously.. I haven't seen a fight that couldn't be talked through but I guess it's so much cooler to break peoples faces? Humans..
  15. You been hitting the carnivals?
  16. Brighton pride lol
  17. People actually do that shit?
    I feel like I've been living under a rock. I never see or experience anything like this-- who the hell just pulls a strangers hair like a little hooligan?!

  18. He did say it was at a carnival...:p
  19. That's true.
    I'm over here trying imagine how I would react if I was just walking around and some dumbass pulled my hair. :smoking:

  20. Bitch slap?
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