Got a new job today, Could possibliy kill myself. :/

Discussion in 'General' started by angrybeavers, Aug 12, 2009.

  1. I'm sitting here writing this in an absolute state of self pitty. There are many things that I whole heartedly hate with a blairing passion. A passion that burned so bright it could not be estingushed by any bucket of water from the woe is me lake. Things like the patriots losing, my girlfriend when shes getting all emotional extremist on my ass with the whole, "you dont love me for me" thang, and the miami dolphins trying out there little experement on the patriots. But I digress. My new job makes these minor complaints look like the double parked car at the base of the twin towers on 9/11.

    My new job would be so ideal if not for one thing. My co - workers. Yes coworkers, every john doe's worst enemy.

    The first character on this list of morons is a beautiful woman we can call sally. She is about a 15/10 on the hotness meter. She is apperently some hand model for some big new york agency that i generally dont give two fucks about. I could possibly stand her if she would just keep quiet, but apperently her brain ( or lack of ) cannot shut itself from blurting out every little detail that she notices wheter it has to do with the topic at hand, or not.

    The next woman on this list is some one we can call suzy. Suzy is the most brilliant woman I have ever met. She makes albert einstien look like one of those reatrded kids that just cant seem to get the square shaped black into the circle shaped hole, even though he is 26. She makes me jealous at how fast her brain can compute small facts and put them together with the big picture. The only issue is that she is gods gift to the blind, because her sheer ugliness makes the people who can see vomit out of every orephus known on the human body.

    The final charecter on this list of dunder-headed list of freaks of nature is a man we can call scott. Scott is The biggest pothead that I have ever met. I mean i smoke a little, but this faggot takes it to a whole new level, he is stoned 24/7 and if he isnt stoned, he's always looking for something to eat. I mean Have some self control man... Thats not even the worst part. For whatever godforsaken reason, he always brings his over sized bloodhound into work. He must get that dog high too, because it cannot stop eating whenever it has food infront of it.

    The worst part is, I have to drive these idiots around all day in this gay, rainbow painted van and solve mysteries and shit.
  2. hahahah good read Fred

    get rid of that ascot though, it makes you look like a douche! :D
  3. scooby doobie doo!
  4. Haha scooby snacks
  5. Don't do it, those bad guys could even get away with it too if it wasn't for you meddling kids!
  6. why would you want to kill yourself, you get to hang out with and soob and solve mysteries. i wish i was one of those meddling kids
  7. i bet you havent been around long enouth to meet scrappy. Man that motherfucker loves to pick a fight
  8. idk man i saw some job applications today on the bosses desk at work. One was for a puppy called scrappy should we hire him?
  9. dudes so badass. I say go for it. If hes not challenging you to a fight he'll be backin u up in one.
  10. [​IMG]
  11. [​IMG]

    Space Ghost has lasers. Scrappy gonna get punked
  12. Made me smile :laughing::hello:
  13. HAHAHAHAHA dude that is THE funniest fuckin story ive read today. totally threw me off haha i used to watch scooby doo all the time that was a bomb ass rendition
  14. and this is why gc kicks ass
  15. L........M........F.......A........O......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I know a simple lmfao would have sufficed but what the hay. great story bro.

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