good vs bad trip

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Gri77oN, Nov 17, 2004.

  1. high there everyone.


    what is a bad trip?

    i mean appart from the health point of vu (going nausy, throwing up, not bein able to walk)

    what is a bad trip?

    and actually what is a good trip ?


    I wonder after reading a post in chillout, where the poster talks about havin a bbad trip.


    here are my answers:

    a good trip is when reality as described by our respective authorities has no grasp on my thoughts.
    (exemple of authorities: shouldn't be smoking weed, men can't fly, shutup and spend money)

    a bad trip would be when i cannot escape an imposed thought and that thought prevents me from reaching the state of a good trip.
    (exemple: I own the IRS 2000€, i shouldn't allow myself to a good trip until i've reseolved that debt)


    I've been told by a friend that the main difficulty of a bad trip is that you don't see it commin, and once there you don't know how to think about something else then the bad trip...

    I relate that information to something I was tought by the group of potheads i first smoked with:
    When you do drugs, one simple dangerous thing to do is /forget you'r under drug/.
    They told me that a trick was to reminds one's self of the state he is regularly.
    (eg each time a take a poke at my J, i remind myself that somethings in me are distoreted by this activity)

    in order to "watch over myself" each time i take a poke, I ask myself if I'm having a bad or good trip, and I try to correct the situation if needed.


    please citizens, could U describe in your own words/feeling what is a good trip, and what is a bad trip.

    This could be quite interesting.

    just my curiosity kickin' in...
  2. I don't think there is such a thing as a bad trip, at least in my experience. I've had experiences where I've freaked out and not had a good time, but I usually end up just coming to the conclusion that what's happening is happening because of the things I've put in my body, and it'll be done in a few hours so I might as well make the best of it. This doesn't always work, but even in those situations I don't consider it a bad trip because I always end up pulling something out of it and learning something from it.
  3. hmm... i havent really thought about what im going to put so excuse it if it makes no sense.

    i think one root of a bad trip is when, apart from the points you mentioned of feeling sick, not being able to walk or something, you get paranoid about something and then being in the state you're in you can't get the paranoid thought out of your head. like one time about 6 weeks ago i was the only person in my house and was really baked at night and i was convinced there was someone in my house, that was freaky shit, i wont go into alot of detail, dont wanna put the idea into anyone else's head if they're in that position now :)
  4. i used to consider a bad trip to mean one which was unpleasant from start to finish.... i think ones like that are a myth. then i thought a bad trip was one which when you weighed up the unpleasant against the enjoyable, if unpleasant weighed heavier, it was a bad trip. i've now come to the way of thinking that there are no bad trips, you learn from every experience, and trips make you experience things so much "more".
    if you take in alot of baggage, you'll still be learning from your experience, but it may be a higher chance of there being unpleasant things to deal with.

    its what comes from a couple more years of thinking after first taking the red pill. ;)

    good to see i'm in good company thats similarly wise. Gri77on, torchy, stash_up.

    there are greater teachers in the world than the ones we have in the classrooms. :)
  5. Trips for me usually turn bad, when I turn my eye on myself, or how I live my life. It's not really bad, just depressing. It's interesting to get a unique perspective on yourself. If you push your way through, deciding on what you will change, and what you won't, and eventually coming to terms with what you can't, the trip usually get's "Better". for me at least
  6. The only times I can honestly say I have had a bad trip is when I have bought shitty weed, otherwise I am usually just too baked to think about whether I am having a good trip or not.
  7. Yeah I think "bad trips" don't really exist most of the time. Tripping is not like flipping a coin and getting "good" or "bad". It's like normal life in the way that it can be anything in between. It has good elements and bad elements. I don't have much experience with drugs, but I know that I never had a completely bad experience. A few weeks ago, I had my most intense "trip" (I call it that because it was very intense, even if it was just with weed and alcohol).
    After smoking and drinking, I'm sitting on the sidewalk with my friend and then :eek: I realize that I must have fallen asleep or passed out because I am certain that I'm dreaming, everything feels unreal to me. I feel a bit panicked at first, but panic transforms into some kind of "fun fear" (like when you go on amusement rides and you are a bit afraid but you laugh and have lots of fun because you enjoy the feeling and you know nothing can hurt you). My friend starts to walk away and I feel like if he goes too far from me and I forget that he exists, I will completely leave reality so I yell "hey come back here, please stay close to me, you are what keeps me attached to reality". We spent the night walking around town, with me kind of freaking out but enjoying everything. When my friend was too far from me it was really scary and I wanted to cry, but as soon as he was close to me I felt safe. I saw stuff that was frightening or that made no sense (everything had a weird appearance, like some stuff on the ground that took the form of a big frog or dead bird parts, or the people around us that all looked like they were dressed strange) but I just thought about everything as some big video game so I could face it all.

    We can't say that I had an entirely "good" or "bad" trip because there was both positive (like the fun sensations) and negative stuff (like the scary things). It's just a trip, with all this stuff combined. One thing that helps to avoid having too much negative stuff is to learn to laugh at the bad parts, stay positive and remember that your perceptions are altered.

    Man this was difficult to write! If it sounds like gibberish it's because I haven't written in English in a long time and also because I had trouble finding words to describe an experience that was so unreal. good luck reading :D
  8. this may be fucked up, but i can avoid a bad trip simply by avoiding mirrors. as soon as i look into the mirror i'm fucked. i start to analize my life (past, present and future) and realize what a waste of time/money and skin it all really is. no, i'm not one of those depressed/fuck the world types. it is just that i could have done so much more had i made better decisions. for this reason i do not trip anymore (at least i haven't in a few years).
  9. when u piss on a tree at a concert and the rest of the night u think that the rest of the trees are pissed at u cuz u pissed on a tree so u almost piss urself tryin to avoid hangin/reachin branches. otherwise not really had a bad trip lol
  10. thats why u gotta live life with no regrets... hey you did what you did and if u wouldve done something different you wouldnt be where you are right now. so just take the knowledge you know now and try to become what you want to be.... you still got time

    no sense in thinking of the past, when all youre doing is wasting more time.. then you would be saying "if i wouldnt have spent all my time dwelling on the shit i didnt do, i would have probably been closer to my goal" and the cycle repeats itself.
  11. i think a bad trip (for me) is when i feel trapped in my head and i want to get out of that state of mind where im just thinking bad(fucked up) thoughts and i cant stop myself.

    i've had excellent trips where my whole body is just like numb and i laugh at everything and i just dont give a fuck... usually ending with a munch-out and a nap.
  12. *Theres a difference between a "mindfuck" bad trip and a "ate too much acid/shrooms" bad trip.*

    The only time Ive had a bad trip is when I ate too many shrooms by myself and went insane and talked to myself for awhile, just repeating random words. It was really interesting because I basically felt like a whole different person, with a whole new brain and train of thoughts, who was hella crazy. I knew I was under a substance so I kept my cool as much as possible in that situation.

    But daaaaaaaamn was it crazy. Anybody relate? :p
  13. a bad trip is when you start to panic and then your brain just goes into overload and you freak yourself out over nothing.

    a good trip is when you dont really have any worrys/anxiety.
  14. My bad trip(s) consisted of not having any control over what was happening to me. And becoming terrified because of it.

    My good trip(s) on the other hand consisted of control over myself, and complete excitement because of it.
  15. To me a good trip is one that once you've come back down your outlook has changed for the positive. Your (naturally narrow) outlook on life has widened slightly through the wonders and revelations you witnessed from the radical perspective while tripping.

    And a bad trip is one that has a lasting negative psychological effect on you.

    If you're not in control it can be scary but not being in control by itself doesn't make a trip a bad un. Infact I'd go so far as to say if you can embrace not being in control you'll love it even more.
  16. I've never had a "bad trip," though I've had my share of scary or uncomfortable moments while tripping.

    The worst experience I've had was on 2.5 grams of mushrooms. I was kind of sick that night, but decided shrooms were a fine idea. Everything was going great until we decided to go for a little moonlit skinny dipping (one of the best experiences of my life). After we got out, it was really cold, so we turned to heat way up. At that point my fever returned and while peaking, I had no idea why it was so intensly hot. So for the next two hours I sat in my boxers on my friend's patio, trying to read my favorite book in the dark to calm me down. I couldn't real because the words were jumping around and it was so dark out (2am).

    So I guess about half of that trip could be considered "bad," but really I learned a lot about myself sitting alone feeling shitty that night, so maybe it was actually a good one.
  17. i dont believe in bad trips. everythings all in your head. if you start gettin scared or whatever, change the music, or turn on/off a light. youll be surprised. also, remember its only a matter of time before you are sober again.
  18. I used to love trippin on shrooms but that soon came to an end.
    Ever since I had a bad trip on some, im scared to do them again.
    When ever I think back on that day or just think about shrooms even, i freak out a little.
    man o man.. I remember laying in my bed jsut freaking the fuck out ..

  19. Live for today now (let's go), forget about tomorrow (tomorrow), when you blaze your own
    Trails you really don't have to follow (follow), free your mind (yeah), your soul is sure to
    Follow (follow), live for today now, forget about tomorrow (tomorrow)

    ---KottonMouth Kings---

  20. #20 drummerdude49, Jan 14, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2009
    My only "bad" trip was at the end of shroom trip, 4.5 grams of some intense cubes. We were watching tv which was a bad idea, because somehow I got stuck within my mind on a strange continuous thought loop that was pretty long and complex. But it would play at different speeds and I couldnt controll it in any way. Its hard to remember that well, but it was like the tv images and commercials became some weird fucked up thoughts that I was stuck in for close to 2 hours. Craziest thing that has happened to me on shrooms to this day, pretty much ego loss but a little different. I think bad trips can come when you dont expect it, but they do exist. If someone gains too much confidence they are likely to have a bad trip, but bad is just a word, and a trip is a trip, and in the end youll come out of anything and probably just learn from the intense experience.

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