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good things to mix/drink/take with weed(legal ones)

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by junkheadrev, Jul 27, 2011.

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  1. Ok I love to smoke weed and I'm not stoping anytime soon.But I do love trying new things.Like I Love to mix weed and something else like ambien alchohol,drank(relaxation drink).But I am not trying to mess around with drugs(illegal ones anyway) anymore.I have tried k2 and the many other mix's they have now and I have tried salvia and I hate it.But what are some other great legal herbs or substances I can mix with weed to get a good high.I have herd kava and valerian root.Any sugestions ? Ill try trippy shit to(love shrooms)Also faviorite drink to have with a fat ass dank jay?
    mine is 1800 silver
  2. #2 Zoxii, Jul 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 28, 2011
    For a drink it always has to be cold ass OJ or.. like tea or something. Yeah, Arizona 99c tea.
  3. try sippin on some sizzzzurp
  4. smoke first then get really drunk
  5. Got me leanin in my seat.
  6. Mods...

    [ame=]‪Mortal Kombat's Finish Him sound byte‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
  7. Do whatever your little heart desires :D
  8. Two bong rips followed by a cigarette.


    Keeps you flying all day.
  9. The discussion of other drugs isnt allowed here

    Exactly. Natural selection is a wonderful thing
  10. Seems I got more haters than suggestions
  11. Probably has to do with the shit you didn't seem to bother to read.:cool:
  12. Food for when the munchies kick in.

    I had 4 big bags of cheesy dorritos and a family pack of m&ms when i went to pick up the other day. My dealer knew exactly what was up.
  13. Maybe because its against the rules to give you suggestions?:confused_2:
  14. Vitamin B is nice if you feel tired after you smoke and need a lift. Camomile tea is nice too... pretty relaxing. 5-HTP is nice - take two hours before you smoke

  15. I never new that shit, what is 5-htp?
  16. I like to smoke a bowl with either a beer, tequila mixed with lemonade or rasberry lemonade, or a xanax if you actually need to take that and have a prescription.
  17. Only grass at grasscity no legal smoking stuff just weed man just weed
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