I've been listening to the series by Lee Child's "Jack Reacher" as well as Michael Connelly's "Harry Bosch Series" Looking for something similar or anything that has adventure, action,humor...I really don't care for court room battles tho.. Basically looking for a good series..I've also read game of thrones series and the sookie stackhouse series only because the wife wanted to... please help..need good something good something new!! Thanks for any help!! Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
If you don't mind scary. Laurell K. Hamilton books. Anita Blake series. Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
Grand Admiral Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn is the best Star wars fanfic out there. Creates 2 great villains and is exceptionally well written. About the only thing in the Star Wars verse I can recommend but I'd like it even if I didn't enjoy Star Wars. LOTR trilogy is also pretty solid read.
You could try out The Saga of Recluce by LE Modesitt Jr. Pretty decent read and a long series. Also the wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan or the sword of truth series by Terry Goodkind. All are fantasy, but each world is pretty awesome in their own right and the writers are some of my favorites. Also check out some of David Gemmell's books. *Edit, the dark tower series is by Stephen King. A brilliant series that deserves a read. Sent from my XT1585 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer I had a friend recommend it to me and I thoroughly enjoy the criminal mastermind genre.
That's what I'm into right now...that or shit where people have powers like the guys in that show "Heroes" or " I am #4" I like all kinds of stuff tho so I'm open to anything!! Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk