Going to the studio soon..

Discussion in 'Music genres, Bands and Artists' started by sabertoothZ, Aug 14, 2011.

  1. So my bands going to the studio next weekend to record. Everythings gonna be live except guitar solos and vocals(we will record them after). Its my first time recording in a studio, and i was wondering if anybody had any tips/advice for me. I play lead guitar and have most of the solos already written(some improv here and there). will that be fine or should i have all the solos written 100%?
  2. i'd have ideas for all ur solos, you don't have to exactly have them written because, trust me, once you start recording and really laying it down, things will be changed on spot and etc...so be prepared but don't over think it...
  3. Cool thanks. Ive got every solo written, except theres a few that ive only got about 85% written. The rest just sort of comes to me. Hopefully it will work during recording. haha
  4. Have your drummer play to a click track. It makes you much tighter. Listen to the producer/engineer, they know what they are doing, you probably don't. Especially listen to them about amp settings. Make sure you go in with everything that you don't plan on improvising practiced. Improvising solos is fine, many guitarists do it.
  5. Ya the amp settings are pretty much set. i guess ill just see what happens. I should probably change my pre amp tubes too. Theyre over a year old and stock. Haha
  6. Haha we actually havent gigged yet because we want to put out a record first. But theres usually random people sitting in watching our practices so we still play in front of people i guess. Haha. Im actually REALLY excited to start gigging.

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