going to Ireland! anyone mind answering a few questions?

Discussion in 'General' started by geologyrox, Mar 22, 2012.

  1. First, squee! I'm going with a bunch of fairly new friends and a few of my oldest bestest friends. I'm so excited =)

    My 'new' friends have all been to ireland several times. I've never been, and neither has my bf. I have a hundred things I'm wondering about - all of them tiny and dumb and so I haven't wanted to ask. And then I remembered there have to be dozens of irish folks on here, and you probably won't hold it against me that I worry about things like this.

    How silly? Like, I dye my hair kinda reddish, will they find that offensive? Ok, so I'm mostly kidding with that one, but the thought has obviously crossed my mind.

    Let's see... Is it ok that the only thing I know how to say is 'Sláinte'? Should I learn a few other things to be polite, or would my drunk ass butchering the language be worse?

    On that note, I'm a drunk, and I'm not terribly politically correct. I'm kind of really bad about it. I know better than to ever talk politics or religion, but I sort of consider everything else fair game - are there any big things I should avoid poking fun at? Race, class, sexuality, folks' mothers...? I'm never mean - ever - but I'm worried that what I mean in good fun might be taken wrong.

    Relatedly, this is the first time they've ever let a woman go with them. Anything I should know about the role of women in Ireland? I'm kinda one of the guys in my circles, I have enough trouble being a chick here...

    Hmmm... is food and beverage as expensive as it seems? We're staying in tipperary, and all the menus I can find are for the kind of places that ask E25 for a three course meal. Will there be lots of reasonably priced pub food? How much will I have to pay for a Guinness? A shot of whiskey? Is it blasphemy if I like my Guinness floated on top of cider? Y'all don't call yours Magners there, it's Bulmers, right?

    Oh, shot of whiskey - I don't normally nurse a whiskey, I shoot it and chase it. If I'm bought something awesome, will I be told so, so I know not to slam it?

    It bothers me a little most of this has to do with booze :eek: Mostly, I want to blend in - and not come off as a touristy american too much. I'm drunk and crude and inappropriate, but I'm a sweet girl who just likes to have a good time. Will I be ok, or should I watch myself and my alcohol intake?

    Know that I'm so very excited to be visiting your beautiful home =) Anything I absolutely must see or do? I am grateful for any and all responses - sorry this got so long...
  2. Talk to twee she lives in Dublin
  3. You know the whole drinking things just a stereotype?

    The fact that you're worrying about your alcohol so much is pretty funny.

    And Magner's and Bulmer's are just different brands made by the same company
  4. #4 geologyrox, Mar 22, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 22, 2012
    I'm less worried about my drinking itself - these guys are every bit as lushy as I am - but I'm worried that drunk me will be out of line for social norms there. I normally don't drink outside my circle - I'm always worried about coming off wrong. Hazards of the socially anxious...

    edit: I should also say I didn't mean to say anything about the Irish being big drinkers. I should have made it clear that I'm travelling with a bunch of fully functional alcoholics, and am worried *we'll* be the ones everyone shakes their heads at. Well, that folks will shake their heads at me =/
  5. So who is this twee chick? so many new names and faces here...
  6. come down to dublin man get some top grass
  7. [quote name='"geologyrox"']First, squee! I'm going with a bunch of fairly new friends and a few of my oldest bestest friends. I'm so excited =)

    My 'new' friends have all been to ireland several times. I've never been, and neither has my bf. I have a hundred things I'm wondering about - all of them tiny and dumb and so I haven't wanted to ask. And then I remembered there have to be dozens of irish folks on here, and you probably won't hold it against me that I worry about things like this.

    How silly? Like, I dye my hair kinda reddish, will they find that offensive? Ok, so I'm mostly kidding with that one, but the thought has obviously crossed my mind.

    Let's see... Is it ok that the only thing I know how to say is 'Sláinte'? Should I learn a few other things to be polite, or would my drunk ass butchering the language be worse?

    On that note, I'm a drunk, and I'm not terribly politically correct. I'm kind of really bad about it. I know better than to ever talk politics or religion, but I sort of consider everything else fair game - are there any big things I should avoid poking fun at? Race, class, sexuality, folks' mothers...? I'm never mean - ever - but I'm worried that what I mean in good fun might be taken wrong.

    Relatedly, this is the first time they've ever let a woman go with them. Anything I should know about the role of women in Ireland? I'm kinda one of the guys in my circles, I have enough trouble being a chick here...

    Hmmm... is food and beverage as expensive as it seems? We're staying in tipperary, and all the menus I can find are for the kind of places that ask E25 for a three course meal. Will there be lots of reasonably priced pub food? How much will I have to pay for a Guinness? A shot of whiskey? Is it blasphemy if I like my Guinness floated on top of cider? Y'all don't call yours Magners there, it's Bulmers, right?

    Oh, shot of whiskey - I don't normally nurse a whiskey, I shoot it and chase it. If I'm bought something awesome, will I be told so, so I know not to slam it?

    It bothers me a little most of this has to do with booze :eek: Mostly, I want to blend in - and not come off as a touristy american too much. I'm drunk and crude and inappropriate, but I'm a sweet girl who just likes to have a good time. Will I be ok, or should I watch myself and my alcohol intake?

    Know that I'm so very excited to be visiting your beautiful home =) Anything I absolutely must see or do? I am grateful for any and all responses - sorry this got so long...[/quote]

    I doubt they'd find hair dye offensive but it seems a little silly xD.

    You don't have to learn how to say anything....they speak english...very few people actually even speak anything else.

    I doubt there's anything that'd be more wrong to poke fun at than anywhere else.

    Well I'm not a chick in Ireland so I have no idea, but I doubt it's any different?

    Depends what you're used to, compared to the US everything was kinda expensive, but theres going to be plenty of reasonably priced pub food, and a lot of pubs.

    You should always watch yourself and your alcohol intake, Ireland shouldnt be different. There's a lot of great stuff to do! The country-side is beautiful, and while I'm sure you'll have fun in pubs, just enjoy the countryside, cause if I could I'd go back and never leave.

    And to the people who say the alcohol bit is exaggerated, having been there I can say that it's not exaggerated at all xD. There's so many pubs in every single town, even the smallest most non-touristy ones, and everyone seems to go. But no, it's not like everyone is scary drunk all the time.

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