I dont know about you but if I go any where by myself wheb in stoned I freak out in side I hold it together but non the less I'm freaking out. Now if I'm with all my stoner buddies its a completely differant story. Lets hear about your crazies public adventure "ON WEED"!Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
One time, while I was stoned, I got invited over a girl's house. She had a lot of relatives over, whom I had never met before, and I ended up making my "first impressions" on her entire family while I was high as a kite! Despite the circumstances, I think i did pretty well
I usually never get paranoid, but I feel more susceptible to judgement by others. It makes me not want to talk to people for that reason. Yet when I start talking everything is usually cool.
I dont get paranoid I just wonder if they can tell Im high. I usually bust out the clear eyes (the maximum redness relief one is amazing btw), and go about my day. I tend to think everyone is staring at me when Im high though.
I went to the mall stoned of my fucking mind last weekend with a few friends. It was actually really dope. But i knew people knew i was high but i didnt careSent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I'm a truck driver by trade, so i'm always driving with my co-pilot duggy. He's a dug-out my wife purchased for me 4 years ago. I keep him stashed in my left work boot, and I keep my other friend, "synthetic piss bottle" in the right boot.
I always smoke a bowl before going into work, it's usually relaxing at work & my managers could care less if I'm high or not as long as I'm doing my job. Yesterday before going into work I smoked as usual & walked in only to realize that my general manager was there & I had to sit down & meet him while being completely blown. Safe to say that he knew I was high & kept hinting at it, awkward is an understatement 😶
Shid .. last night in court a nigga had just finished hotboxing 2 fat sour og blunts in the car. So I'm standing in line waiting to talk to the clerk, and the ladies behind me are just staring, with this smirk like "you dirty little stoner!" Lol any place I feel I'll be miserable at I have to get completely baked before going in.
[quote name="hyperballad" post="19374533" timestamp="1390238195"]I dont get paranoid I just wonder if they can tell Im high. I usually bust out the clear eyes (the maximum redness relief one is amazing btw), and go about my day. I tend to think everyone is staring at me when Im high though. [/quote]AgreeddOtDaG42
There is always a level of paranoia. Nothing is as anxiety driven high until your pulled over by cops. That's one hell of a rush; I am thankful I look like the 9 to 5 construction worker, hard working man, average white Joe and all is usually cool when I am high around cops or people. Always had a knack or shock factor when people hear or find out I smoke weed. They say I am not the type...I say "if you have experienced the life I have between deployments and a decade worth of stress you would change your stereotyping as well!" lol
I think the worst thing to ever happen to me when I was walking around high was about a week ago when I was walking home from my friend's house. We just got done smoking a lot of weed and it was about 12 in the morning. Some of the streetlights were broken, so it was considerably dark. It was really cold to boot. I started my journey, and, keep in mind, that I live 2 blocks away; so I started to walk and the wind was blowing in my face. My face felt like it was going to fall off, so I covered my face with the hood of jacket and I kept walking. This is where I goofed. I took off the hood only to realize that I walked 2 blocks away from my intended destination. I didn't know this of course, and I thought I put myself in a hopeless situation where I would have to resort to cannibalism and murder to survive the harsh conditions that plagued my endeavor. Just kidding. I was scared though; I thought I was lost, but I found myself in front of my house somehow. I really don't remember; I was fucking baked.
I love the look other high people give you in public do you know the look? It's hard to explain Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
[quote name="Potato Skins" post="19411393" timestamp="1390770857"] I thought I was lost, but I found myself in front of my house somehow. I really don't remember; I was fucking baked. [/quote]Been there before! Lol. Glad all was well in the end.Sent from my SCH-R530U using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I love that too. I really enjoy being high when I'm out, gives a new perspective and I go places that I wouldn't normally.
I do a lot of errands high. As long as I have a list and no toddler its awesome. Nothing says fun like a bowl before groceries. Sent from my SGH-I747M using Tapatalk