Going Insane?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Bpalms420, Sep 11, 2007.

  1. does anyone here feel like after theyve smoked for a really long time, they feel that they start to lose a sense of reality even sober?

    not as much physically, as much spiritually or philosophically.
  2. I do.....

    I believe that 'insanity' is really enlightenment, but your body and mind can't function as one properly.......it's kinda hard to explain, as i don't really feel like typing right now hahaha oxycodone and bud does thta......
  3. I feel like I'm going insane, but not because of smoking. Smoking is helping me not fall into that abyss of insanity.

    Also since smoking daily, I've started to enjoy being sober. Before it used to be like damn I'm sober I wanna get high or drunk, but now that I'm high everyday it makes that period of soberness enjoyable too. It's definitely a better way to live. :)
  4. I know what you mean I think. Like a kinda detachment from reality, and like if somethings possible, well how do we KNOW its not possible?
  5. I'm way past insanity, pretty close to Pluto actually (drawf planet)
  6. i also think this is very possible.
  7. i rarely smoke now because i feel like im goin insane when im high. that and im a naturally paranoid person so being high on weed makes it terrible.

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