Going camping high?

Discussion in 'The Great Outdoors' started by folied, Sep 26, 2009.

  1. I want to go camping/hiking high with my friend and my brother. Sounds like it would be awesome.. just enjoying nature getting stoned.. But I don't know anything about camping or where to start. Is it expensive? Tell me anything you know!
  2. Are you planning on staying at an actual campground or are you just gonna drive out into the middle of no where? Regardless just make sure you plan ahead.
  3. Take some alotta food and water.. and then no matter what itll be fun
  4. make sure you bring a lighter and some newspaper, and if its been raining bring a few pieces of dry firewood, going camping without fire sucks
  5. i went camping a few weeks ago and got bit by a water moccasin, thankfully i packed a snake bite kit and used that to get the venum out
  6. Haha, this question is awesome, as I'm very stoned and I'm also an eagle scout.

    Make sure you have enough food and drinks, take fire starter gel, enjoy.

    Camping is easy.

  7. Hope it wasent a guy...

    But I want to go on a camping trip

  8. Unless ur a girl
  9. wait....................................there are people that DONT camp stoned?

    heres EVERYTHING

    bring a tent, a lantern, a machete, toilet paper, drinks, sleeping bags, pillows, paper, hot dogs, buns, chronic, a bowl, a lighter and marshmellows. and one thing a learned from camping (even in the summer months) always bring a hoodie and pants just in case.
  10. ^^ also id add a tarp, duct tape (has come in handy everytime i go camping, everytime), rolling papers or an extra piece. garbage bags are good if the weather might turn bad cause then you can throw you shit in there so it doesnt get soaked.

    toilet paper, extra clothes.

    most tents really arent that hard to set up. if ya dont wanna deal with the instructions just lay the tent spread out on the ground so ya can see which poles goes where. also if theres high or low spots in the ground, put the tent on the highest/flattest part.

    having a tarp underneath the tent, must be bigger than tent, helps great to keep water out.

    plenty of bud and beer. and psychedelics if thats your thing. camping is a ton of fun man, go to a state/national park or something and not a campground if theres one around. someplace with chill spots and awesome views you can jounrey around to find
  11. also if youre near water, fish!
  12. My girlfriend and I are going camping at the end of October. It's gonna be really sweet. We resevred the "walk in" campsite that way we don't have to worry about anyone smelling the mad clouds of dank that will be floating around or hearing our shouts of pleasure.

    I'm a little nervous about the temperature though. Hopefully it won't be too cold. I'm not worried we got blankets body heat and rum. (a lots of good weed.)
  13. hand warmers can be a life saver!
  14. i did a backyard camp out one time. but it was cold as fuck outside. so we got a bunch of blankets and made a fire outside the tent and put christmas lights on the inside to see. and we hot boxed that shit with some dank ass buds :hello: it was sick as fuck i got pretty damn blazed and had a great time even though went home and didnt sleep in the tent(to cold for me) but still do it man. get some good friends, good food, and good bud and have a good time :D
  15. make sure you bring plenty of non cotton socks, because your not going to do to well if your feet get blistered up, but that depends on how far your going to be hiking from your car to camp
  16. The best advice i can give you is get a tent, an air matress (cause lets face it tents are painful to sleep on) a few beers a bag of weed and some shrooms(optional :D). Pack a cooler full of hotdogs, sausages anything youd want, chips etc. Get in your vehicle and find a nice area in the outskirts of town somewhere, take a far walk in the bush (But leave markers sor soemthing if you have a feeling that you wont be able to make it back out) Clear out a nice area, put down your tent and get a fire going and let the evening take course.

    Camping can be one of the best experiences you can have, espesially with the ganja and nature. I hope you have fun bro. Remember to bring lots of water and to dress warm.
  17. I would love to go camping,it's just that not a lot of my friends like to,and the ones that would want to go are always too busy with work or other shit.

    Looks like if I want to try this I would have to go alone,something I'm not too fond of though it would make for for great alone time.

    Have you gona comaping alone?If so how was that like?
  18. People who camp alone are weird. Unless you're on some survivorman type shit, or an expedition I can't see why anyone would go camping alone.

    To the OP it isn't expensive, get a tent, a sleeping bag, enough food and water, around a gallon for each day (you never know), if theres bears around your area no shampoo or lotion or anything that gives off a sweet fruity aroma, at least 2 pairs of shoes for comfort and hiking, a good knife and a fishing pole with some bait! And of course something to get a fire started. No need for air mattresses or anything heavy. ^ Basic essentials.
  19. well we got back from our expedition earlier today. it was awesome. got there around 1-2 friday afternoon left 2 on sunday. it wasn't terribly cold, but my girlfriend made me cuddle a lot so that probably helped. the amount of wood we burnt was incredible, i was constantly foraging for more wood to burn and we had to buy wood at the front of the campground.

    food is so good cooked over the fire.

    i pretty much just kept my bowl packed the whole time take a hit put it down, do some shit, take a hit, put it in my pocket, etc. brought some rum too to keep us warm. added it to our Dr. Pepper, delish.

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