Goin to jail!

Discussion in 'General' started by rpmuser123, May 11, 2010.

  1. what i did in jail was think about how such a good thing such as marijuana could get me thrown in such a shithole such as jail..jail just sucks man..idk anything fun you couldd make of it unless you make friends on the inside..
  2. Sleep with your ass next to the wall.
  3. Well it was as easy as I expected but after my 24 hours was up some shit went down I got hit by the guard thrown against the wall and put in solitary I'm gonna sue me some native american ass
  4. So no ass rape happend to go down, or do you not kiss and tell? :ey:
  5. How much time in solitary did you do? A few days in there could make a man go ballistic if he doesn't have his shit together.
  6. I bet he just didn't want to cut his dreads off
  7. I was put in the pit for several hours, AFTER my 24 hours was already up. So I was illegally detained, and while being so, was assaulted by a corrections officer.
  8. What did you do to cause that to happen?
  9. Sue them. No joke they'll settle out of court

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