Goin on a Bus Ride

Discussion in 'General' started by MrGers, Nov 14, 2009.

  1. Tomorrow I'm taking a bus to Atlantic City. Obviously, I can't smoke on the bus but I wanted to bring along some edibles.
    So, GC, my charge to you is to suggest to me some recipes that are relatively quick and simple. I leave at 7am tomorrow morning. Other than time, I've got the resources, PB, butter, quarter of bud, ect.
    Preferably, if you post recipes, try to post ones you've tried. I don't wanna throw 5 grams into a nasty firecracker or something and have it not work. Thanks Blades!!!
  2. go to the edibles section.
  3. Don't throw 5 grams in a firecracker, more like half a gram. Sandwiched in between two Ritz crackers with organic peanut butter, bake them in the toaster oven for 10 minutes at 350.

    A gram of bud gets me super baked in edibles form.
  4. yes but then i have to wade through all sorts of recipes and i dont know which work and which are convenient and what not. thanks though
  5. Hey dude, cannabutter is real good. Not good tasting, but good to get you high. You can also use it with pretty much anything, just substitute it for butter.

    Anyway, to make cannabutter, chop up all your bud. Melt 2 sticks of butter into a pan. Once the two sticks are melted, dump your chopped bud inside, stir around and let simmer for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes pour the mixture into a dish and put it in the fridge. 1-2 hours is good in the fridge but 24 is best. After that time.. empty the stuff in your dish into a pan and re-melt it all. Once it is melted, you will need to make a mini-filter station. get a glass container and put a coffee filter on top of it. Pour your re-melted liquid into the coffee filter and squeeze all the juice out of the bud to make sure you get everything. after that just pour the liquid into a storage container and refrigerate for 1-2 hours. That's it, now you have cannabutter. I prefer making Grilled Cheese with it... but use regular butter on the outsides of the bread and cannabutter on the inside.

    Enjoy dude, hope I could help! :D:wave::smoking:

    PS. that was just a quick summary of how to do it. if you have any questions feel free to PM me.
  6. Damn, I am going on a long trip with some family soon. I might make some of these.
  7. so i made some firecrackers.
    used like almost a gram in each of 4 double decker PB sandwiches.
    i let them sit for like an hour, now im cookin' 'em at 330 for 30 min( im 10 in in).
    Hopefully they work. if they do...horray.
    if they dont i will make sure everyone knows.
    Also i put some some honey on them, shouldnt hurt right?
  8. Honey shouldn't hurt.

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