So, here are some stoned thoughts about an alternate conception of Christianity. Some Christians believe in "absolute creation." They think that absolutely nothing natural existed, and then God created everything. This seems incoherent. It also raises problems about evil-you can't (for example) argue that evil exists because God can't give us free will without allowing evil. If God created absolutely everything, including all natural (and perhaps logical laws), he could surely construct the universe in such a way that we could have free will without evil. I read a paper that provided the Mormon answer to this problem, which is that God, natural and logical laws, and our souls are all co-eternal. That is, the laws of nature and our souls have existed for all time along with God. So his actions are subject to these laws, but within the scope of the laws he is all-powerful. That got me thinking. What if the laws under which God operates severely restrict the ways in which he's able to communicate with us? Maybe he's a vast cosmic consciousness (perhaps which we are part of), and he's trying to communicate with us from, one might say, "another dimension". If you imagine him as the Love God of the new testament it seems especially awesome, because he's all-compassionate, but can't do anything except try hard to get to us and then sit and watch us fail (I guess that's probably too anthropomorphic, but oh well).
I think you misunderstand what free will entails but Socrates put it like, if you know what the good is, you won't do evil. Only people ignorant of the good will do evil. So then it comes down to a matter of knowledge, but then Socrates also seemed to think nobody could really know anything either so we're pretty much screwed according to Socrates anyways.
This is similar to what my preferred Confucian thinker (Wang Yang-ming) had to say: there is no separation between, but rather a unity between, knowledge and action. If one cannot act on one's knowledge at the right time and right place, how can it be true knowledge at all?!