"God vs Science" Collins/Dawkings Time article

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by .ViciouS., Apr 24, 2007.

  1. God vs. Science

    A good read. Not sure if it's been posted before but while I was gettin my car's oil change today I stumbled upon the Time mag.

    Both are scientists but have different views on God, so it's interesting.

    Their concluding thoughts:

  2. i think either or kinda creates imbalance.
    science and religion go hand in hand i think.
    i mean both exist dont they?
  3. I get a headache when people say science and religion go hand in hand. i'm sorry but the type of progress thats made in science isn't based on faith.science can't throw sugar into a pill and sell it as a treatment for bacterial infections based on faith.
    Oh and its a decent article, i caught it awhillle back.
  4. Agreed
  5. Just by saying that, however, you dismiss the entire realm of the unknown. What we know now is a result of faith. Science has faith that what is commonly believed at this moment is all that exists in reality. We use faith everyday to determine what will and will not happen beyond what we know. Scientists use faith (or predictions as they call them) to perform their duties as scientists.

    When you look at something so closely that you ignore the strange coincidence of it all, you lose bearing. Many intelligent, rational people turn to spirituality to keep that bearing.

    Let me try and put it into perspective. Look at the human brain. With all its complexity and unknown. Now, science will get to a point that it can identify every part of the human brain and what it does. Science can tell you why we feel the way we do with reasonable explanations and facts. But how can such a complex system of tissue and cells form itself from unintelligent life? How could organisms evolve from nothingness into what they are today?

    I have no answers... that's why I have faith.
  6. no it doesn't dismiss the realm of the unknown. god isn't impossible its just grossly improbable beyond anyone's ability to even comprehend and until evidence comes along and it stands up under intense scientific scrutiny its going against science to believe in it. What we know is a result of hardcore skepticism and continously trying to disprove set up ideas and hold them under scientific criteria.
    faith is a belief without evidence, science doesn't take anything for granted that doens't have evidence. Probability is also part of science and scientific thinking. Things have different statistical probabilities and its a copout to say "Well we don't have all the knowledge so lets take a shot in the dark and accept explanation A that is grossly unlikely"
    Give me an example worth replying too about how science is based on faith and how scientists use faith to perform duties.
    you lose bearing when you don't realize that coincidences don't exist and are usually just meant to convey a statistical unlikelyhood. If i raised my hand and said "Strike me by lightning" if i got stroke by lightning it wouldn't be a coincidence, it'd just be somthing statistically improbable happening.
    Hey i'm a deeply spiritual guy, that doesn't mean you need to be faithful.
    Science can already do that and much much more.
    Theres actually anwsers to these questions.
    you have no anwsers so why not trying educating yourself about them? You don't need faith when the questions you ask have real anwsers.
  7. AD/HD is prime example of science doing something on faith. As is the scewed statistics in global warming or the false reports about 9/11. Science is just as debatle as religion.
    Science has a base we can observe and goes on into things we can only speculate on. Religion starts in the speculative and comes back to reality. Religion deals with morality, spirit, and universal harmony while science deals with body, mind and universal harmony. They do go hand in hand. Science without religion lead us to the Atom bomb and other weapons of death, while relgion without science lead us the the crusades and 9/11. Yin and yang, oppisites are requisite.

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