God made man?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by evilhoodlem, Jun 19, 2008.

  1. If God made man in HIS image...does that mean since God made me and im a stoner...that he is too?

    ever wonder about things like this?
  2. God is in every atom. We are all a part of God. God is all a part of us.

    So I guess that makes the essence we call God partly a smoker of cannabis.
  3. Man made god?
  4. Indeed.

    To the OP, if God made us and made us in his image, that does not mean he is a stoner. We were made perfect according to Genesis (I dispute that because of what happened later) yet we sinned by eating fruit that was forbidden to us and sin nature entered us, hence all the sinful things we now do, which some would consider being a stoner. Though, that is debatable... Actually, forget that, it is not a sin at all, so God is probably a big time acid-droppin'-pot-smoking-coked-out crackhead. ;)

    It would explain certain parts of the Bible perfectly, that is, if you accept the idea that it is the word of God. :p
  5. Good Morning, Beautiful
    Artist:The The


    Satellite, oh, satellite
    Who sits upon our skies
    How deep do you see when you spy into our lives?

    I know that God lives in everybody's souls
    and the only devil in your world
    Lives in the human heart

    So now ask yourself
    What is human? And what is truth?
    Ask yourself
    Whose voice is it that whispers unto you?
    From the cellars of your homes
    From the tops of your city roofs
    Ask yourself
    Whose voice is it? That whispers unto you?

    Who is it?
    That turns your blood into spirit and your spirit into blood

    Who is it?
    That can reach down from above and set yours souls ablaze with love
    Or fill you with the insanity of violence and it's brother: lust

    Who is it?
    Whose words have been twisted beyond recognition
    In order to build your planet Earth's religions

    Who is it?
    Who could make your little armies of the left
    and your little armies of the right
    Light up your skies tonight

    Now some of you may live and some of you may die
    But remember
    That nothing in the world can kill you inside
    For he is thinking of you
    In your great cities of great solitude

    Oh children you've still got a lot to fuckin' learn
    The only path to heaven is via hell

    Good morning beautiful, good morning beautiful
    Good morning beautiful, good bye world
  6. Actually, if God had made a perfect being it would be a duplicate clone of God. We are lessor beings created to be dependent upon the perfect being and follow Him by faith, trusting that He is all knowing and all powerful and leads rightly and accurately for good.

    Being created in His image simply means we were created with higher intelligence and exist both physically and metaphysically in body, soul, and spirit. The problem we have is the spiritual aspect because of how sin has contaminated our ability to have a relationship with a spiritually perfect being.

    God's solution to the problem is to offer us a new spirit so that we can live eternally with Him.
  7. Very nice way of putting, that makes sense.

  8. lol =)
  9. Which is pantheism. The rock didn't create itself nor reproduces. Stars don't decide to emerge from nothing or flare out and die. Every organism has a specific purpose in nature. Energy, matter, and life is created requiring a Creator.
  10. Well God made weed for a reason so....smoke up!!!
  11. actually the creator in the bible called god was originally gods
    and marijuana was made for healing and lifting the mind consiousness system, but i doubt the anunaki smoked pot much....maybe while on earth.
  12. I dont know.. i guess the only LOGICAL answer is god dosnt exist.

    But thats just me :D
  13. i agree, but certainly 'gods' which came to earth back in the day wouldve been ETs, every being is equal. including the fictional judeo christian God...
  14. from my understanding what christians believe is that god made this world capable for us to live on. and he allowed us to be born. our life is like a test and if we sin we go to hell. so technically in strict christian eyes when we smoke we are taking the freedom god gave (life) and disobeying his orders not to sin.

    although this is false in my eyes because there are no absolute ethics. right and wrong are in the eyes of the beholder (there individual perception) and only in human society are there rules and punishments to disobey what others feel as wrong.
  15. So what if we were God and each individual has the power to turn into the devil along a long journey called life and after life. The Bible, Koran, Book of the Dead, and other holy books are sorta like a compass that you could navigate with on the journey but its not going to show you everything. Life is very complicated and with it comes modern day complications these books could only take you so far then it up to you to brainstorm. brainstorm this "At what point do you stop being God and become the Devil?" Its funny how a thought just circles your head just waiting to be noticed!

    So I put the little piece of paper in my mouth

    45 min have past and I find myself looking threw a window pain

    In it I can see, he is looking , staring , calling me, he asked; Do you mind Iv been locked in here for a long time

    I smiled and told him politely go fuck yourself!
  16. I believe that "God" is everything and everyone. Since the beginning of matter at the start of the universe, everything and everyone is connected. God is in us, and we are in god. God is in the plants and the animals, and they are in god. God is in the planets, stars, and dark matter, and they are in god.

    God is in the marijuana plant, and the marijuana plant is in god.
  17. exactly. so ultimately everything is one, and equally god.

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