God Is

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Soul Living, Apr 29, 2011.

  1. God is because Godliness is

    Upon experiencing Godliness - Godliness can seemingly be known to be
    Godliness can be experienced immensely or minutely
    Godliness can be experience simply or extravagantly
    To draw a picture with the proper mindset and intent can seeminly result with the experience of Godliness

    Upon gaining comprehension and knowledge of Godliness - God can be known to be
    Simply take the essence of Godliness experienced - purify it - magnify it - concentrate it - accumulate it - assign such to a personal being and you have God
  2. God is inside of me right now.

    God is inside you right now.

    God is inside everyone and everything that has life, at all times.

    God is infinite

    God does not judge

    God is love.

    It's simply up the the being to open themselves up, and letting God 'come in'. Instead of the being 'seeking out'.
  3. God is my homeboy. Foreals.
  4. my dad isn't religious but he also believes god is inside everybody

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