Goalkeeper scores on himself

Discussion in 'General' started by Magnuson, Mar 1, 2012.

  1. "shit shit it's coming back!"
  2. well maybe if he stepped into it a little and didn't kick it like a pussy..
  3. dude what do you mean lol... the ball started rolling back as soon as he put it down, and the kick was still pretty decent looking, the wind really fucked him hard there.. unbelievable wind though holy fuck I don't know why they'd even be playing in that lol..
    that is funny as hell though hahaha
  4. He should have known better.
  5. hahaha thats hilarious. did the goal count?

  6. yeah it was decent, i was just joking. the truth is he's a dumbshit who shouldn't have been kicking the ball that high to begin with.
  7. yeah I hear ya, it probly wasn't really on purpose, the ball rolling back at him made it like a 1 timer type shot, if you know what i mean, 1 timers fly with no effort haha...
    And there was probly an insane gust right at the second he tried to catch it when it came back, which made the ball go in a weird ass way so it probly like slipped out of his hands almost haha
    definitely funny though... shit like that happens sometimes in soccer theres some funny goalkeeper fuckups out there on youtube and shit.
    fuck talking about this makes me regret quitting soccer..
    and yeah, the goal had to count, if it was an official game.. but I read they had to stop the game after a bit cus the fucking whole net / goal got fucked by the wind too haha..
    it looked so goddamn windy holy fuck.
  8. Holy shit. That wind hulk-ed that ball right back at him haha. He should have thrown it to an open teammate somehow.
  9. As a referee, I am curious about what the ref would have done if he had stopped that with his hands. I don't think there's any precedent for what one is allowed to do when receiving a pass from oneself. It would be even more interesting if that was on an actual goal kick.

  10. Looked like a goal kick to me - has to be kicked.

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