Gnat troubles

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by duvalsfinest420, Jan 17, 2013.

  1. Well i am officialy infested with gnats. They realy seem to love peat moss. I found a few different ways to kill them.
    1. Neem oil, which i cant find around here.

    2. Tobbacco tea, which seems like it may make the buds taste bad and dosentseem to work all thetime.

    3. Hydrogen Peroxide, which seems like a good option except all of the beneficial
    bacteria ive been building up via microbe life nutes will be killed.

    Any better option im overlooking?
  2. Dealing with gnats right now, too. Got some sticky strips up to slow them down, got some neem extract from a hardware store, and been reading a lot.

    I say no to the hydrogen peroxide for obvious reasons.

    Do a google search for "DIY gnats indoors."

    Lots of different ways to go about it - gnat traps using vinager, layer of sand on the soil which traps the little bastids, stuff like that.

    Neem, if you can find it, seems to be the way to go since it's good for the plant, too.

    Good luck!

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