Gnarly Night

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by ButThen1GotHigh, Feb 3, 2007.

  1. So tonight my freinfd is spending the night andwe got an O from a pretty good price so its cool well me and my buddy been hanging out all day and we made my first gravity bong with a fat bowl so like 4hrs ago we started smoking...HOLYSHIT! gravityty bong is gnarly as hell like ive smoked outta lots of stuff but this if my fav for the first time I hotboxed my room...with 2 of aus we smoked like jhalf the O not completly by our selfs my big bro stoped by for a couple of hits but my freingd passed out and so im telling you get or make a grav bong goodnihggt.
  2. been doin em since i was 15 , still fuck me up , theyre brutal lol , get so high. glad u enjoyed it
  3. I got a bukket and use it all the time. Portable gravity bong for those of you who don't know what one is.
  4. i just made a new grav bong the other day it hits like a beast, im thinkin about buying one of the glass gravitron ones though cause my moms gonna eventually need her bucket back when shes gotta mop the floor or something haha

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