"global shift in consciousness in 2012" theory?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by PMoney, Sep 28, 2010.

  1. has anyone else heard this? apparently on december 21, 2012 there is supposed to be a cosmic event in which certain rays that cause dmt to release rapidly in the human brain are supposed to come in contact with earth creating a global DMT trip. i know, it seems kinda preposterous, but has anybody else heard anything as to the credibility of this prediction? what are your thoughts on it?
  2. Haha no.

    But sign me up for that shit.

    On that day all the people who've profited from this 2012 crap are going to count there money and laugh at the consumers they have fucked.
  3. I don't know about all that Mayan prophecy bullshit (but I do know the Catholic Church and producers of 2012 did and made a killing) however I'm expecting 2012 to be the birth of the New World Older and its such an inevitable change. Proof? Look at almost everything that is ending in the year 2012, contract wise. This tells me I'm either supremely paranoid (Which "they" would like to hear) or 2013 is gonna be new contract year after the old changes have been rolled out. I'm not the one to believe in coincidences either
  4. I think it's real, but not as a single fact that will happen on that day.
    It is a process and it has already begun. Maybe on december 21 the process gets to its cimax, but I don't think so. It's very unlikely to prdict something so accurately
  5. 2012 is a fucking joke bro
  6. global dmt trip?

    i mean, alright:D
  7. it would be cool, some kind of global awakening, a shift away from religion would be good
  8. Haha, the DMT thing is a new one to me. If that's the case, I'm going to seriously reevaluate my stance on 2012.
  9. iv read alot about that and it seems posible but unlikly

    i think its going to happen alot of astrolgy points towards it and i think astrology is a form a science reguardless of what many think but its not going to be this drastic event that we will remember , it will be more subtle smoke:
  10. Some people say the world will end with a series of eathquakes.
    I just hope there aren't many suicides on december 20.

  11. On the night of december 20th people are going to be like....

    "Welllllllllll............Seeeeee you tomooorrow buddy........."
  12. I've never heard the DMT trip thing haha, but either way I think a change in global consciosness is certainly possible, but I wouldn't claim to be too po
    sitive about it.
  13. I would love for that to happen. I never tried DMT but it's definitely on my to do list and what better way to trip than to have the whole world trip with you.
  14. i assume it's pure bunk, but it would definitely be an interesting experience regardless
  15. that would be kickass if it was true. i doubt it but hey anythings possible
  16. Make sure you can handle it. It's ones hell of a trip
  17. interesting how some tap water contains flouride, which is known to crystalize the pineal gland, the gland responsible for producing DMT in our bodies... also the gland associated with our "thrid eye".
  18. :smoking::smoking::smoking:

  19. #19 PeacefulWarrior, Sep 29, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2010
    Oh man I don't expect to be able to handle it, I will give myself to it completely and just observe and learn. Leave my ego on Earth and fly to another reality.
  20. #20 NFloyd2357, Sep 29, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2010
    something more like this. the mayan calendar predicts shifts in human consciousness through its changes in cycles. it has done so throughout history, and 2012 happens to be the conclusion of the Great or Final Cycle (really 2011). If you look at all the changes in history, they don't happen on one day, but over a short period when the cycle shifted - for instance the cycle change that coincided with the start of the industrial revolution. it seems we started our conscious shift somewhere around the mass use of internet, and have continued since. the information age brought new ways of thinking, and now that its been around long enough for us to see its positive and negative consequences, we are yet again having a shift in consciousness.

    in conclusion, i really don't know whats up with 2012, but the mayan calendar eerily predicted shifts in human consciousness throughout history

    i wish more people knew/looked into this. i told my friend, and he legit started a water company selling filters and water bottles. because of him, i shower in fluoride free water, drink fluoride free water, and because of Toms from Maine i brush with fluoride free toothpaste! lol, call me paranoid, but at least i'm fluoride free (it doens't help prevent cavities either)

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