Definately plastic... Plastic has all the best features -Its light, and falls over easy -Its hard to clean properly -It's 100% unimpressive in all aspects -It melts... 'nuff said about that -It STINKS after used only a few times... And the smell never goes away -If it cracks or breaks, there is no safe way to fix it. -Its cheap and juvenile, grow up and graduate to glass already! Im sure that plastic is the way of the future Cheers.!
Cmonnnn, easy on him budz, plastic can be better in certain circumstances I for one never take my glass to other peoples houses as im afraid one of my crippled friends will drop it, however plastic isnt really an issue cause it's fairly cheap , plus it's lighter so my backpack isnt too heavy
hashbean on YouTube made a video about this. But ll say what tink here, go wath his video; Plastic cant be cleaned AT ALL. It can only be rinsed with water. Plastic is unstable. Plastic tastes terrible. Its basiucally a disposable bong because youc ant clea it you just use it a couple times and by then its nasty and you toss it. Buying a SOLID and simple glass setup is ideal and can be protected and maintained easily if you know what your doing.
In my LHS i can buy either a Plastic Bong or a Glass gromet bong for $20. Id take that Grommet bong ANYDAY, and for $20, i cosider it a cheap piece. CHeers.
It's $20 for a 14" acrylic and $40 for a 14" glass here I wouldnt have a problem taking that 14" glass anywhere, but I have a 2 foot beaker glass gong with a dome perc so it's a little hard to transport with no car
For a "pothead" glass is better because it is mostly for looks and most glass owners do not socially use their glass. Where as an Acrylic would be better for a "stoner" because of the lower prices for the same effect, extreme durability, and descreet transport.