I'm gonna be moving out of the parent's house with my brother pretty soon and I was wondering if all you independant blades could give me some helpful advice/tips concerning staying alive and living well on low income when just starting out (while going to school at the same time). I'm going to be heading over the a university next year (I've been at a community college for like 3 years) and my younger brother is probably going to be at the community college. I have a couple of small jobs, but am going to need another part time to pay for the rent since the other two aren't as reliable and my brother just needs a job period... So yeah, I realise that this is pretty generic, but just any good advice or tips would be great. Thanks in advance.
Make your own food, boil tap water an freeze into bottles. Recycle bottles and cans, behind bars is good place, lots of bottles.
Yeah, don't worry about that. I spend virtually no money on weed anymore, I make a gram last like a month I smoke so little. When I drink I buy a 6 pack and that lasts 1-2 weeks since I only drink like once a week and then not heavily... I hear ya on the ramen noodles though man, those things are like 10 cents a piece.