Girls! How to tell if you're hot

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by Jack_420, Mar 26, 2011.

  1. #1 Jack_420, Mar 26, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2011
    Well first go to where ever you go to meet guys a bar, a club, fuckin Little Ceasers it doesn't really matter

    Next step just go up to a guy you find "hot" and punch him in the face if he is like "Hahaha how adorable come here let me show you how to punch." that means your hot. If you're ugly you'll get knocked the fuck out cause no guy is going to take that from an ugly girl

    -Iliza Shlesinger
  2. Well.. if you are a true man you could never hit a woman.

  3. Yeah but that sort of ruins my joke....

    Also why you go to a club a drunk Guido should have no problem knockin a bitch out
  4. i fkn LOL'D

    hahaha it would work too.
  5. Didn't that happen on a tv show. :smoke::smoke::smoke::smoke::cool::cool::cool:
  6. Oh I definitely thought it was funny haha. I am running on two hours of sleep.

  7. 1) you've never met my ex girlfriend

    2) some girls like to be hit.

  8. Jersey Shore. Snooki got punched I laughed and had this epiphinany
  9. I could never hit a chick does not matter.

    I will:
    A) Block their assault and restrain.
    B) Use words that they do not understand and make them precipitate tears.
    C) Walk away and leave the keys to my manual vehicle behind so they are stranded.

  10. Wait until a drunk girl knocks one of your teeth out.

    If a girl is wasted, and starts attacking you, and knocked one of your teeth out let's say while you're driving your car, would you hit her?

  11. Hahahahahahahahahhhahahahahaha amazing
  12. I have never been hit by a woman and would most likely see it coming as they have no idea how to throw a punch.

    My teeth are super nice so I would be pretty fucking pissed off but I would zip tie her wrists together, pull over and call the cops. And make sure she lost all of her money for shoes.
  13. Bro, I'd just smack my bitch up. :smoke::smoke::smoke:
  14. so true. TRUE.
  15. PM me your picture and I'll tell you if you're hot. Or not.
  16. [​IMG]

  17. Fuck yeah troll girl got fucking rocked
  18. Damn dude her head snapped the fuck back.

    Should have gone with a right cross to the jaw and thrown her cross the room.
  19. if she deserves it i could see myself doing that... but only if they actually deserved it like if they were harassing my family or trying to kill me.

    in snooki's case she said the wrong thing to the wrong person and paid for it
    kinda brought it upon herself if you ask me... :D

  20. Personally I would have gone with a roundhouse kick I mean if you're going to be on TV for hitting a bitch might as well go all out

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