girls.. how do you like to be hugged?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by GillyTHEkid, Oct 25, 2012.

  1. especially by the guy you like?

    im just curious because ive been hugging this girl ive been talking to for a while criss cross style, like a X. i mean its whatever but if i can get some more points by hugging more efficiently im down for that.

    my buddy said that its good to hug a girl from the top, like my arms go around her neck (im taller) and she goes under with her arms. he said it makes her feel safe lmao

    so lemme kno!
  2. if you can do it with your cock in her mouth then do that..
  3. Hugs are awkward just kiss?
  4. low and slow
  5. Subbed.

    I've been told that I am a great hugger, and I don't exactly know what that means...
  6. I'm REALLY short. I love a pick me up hug lol. I am 5 feet and my hubs is 6'2 and he picks me up when he hugs me :) Also Forehead kisses. So sweet!
  7. hug her with lots of money in your hands they looove that
  8. me too.. i think its cause im tall as hell.. i just spread my long ass arms out and wrap them around her and grab some tit
  9. I'll pick you up, throw you over my shoulder, and run off with you :devious:

    Binders full of women.
  10. and ill be right behind him tying up the ankles and tryna grab some butt

  11. It's true. We also like it when you sprinkle dimes on our heads.
  12. dont do this..

    it leaves marks.. they say you beat them and sue you for all you got

  13. That's why you sprinkle them gently, and with love. But I usually wear sun glasses cus dimes in my eyes hurt...
  14. Duh.. That's why they like it! haha :devious:
  15. mhhhmm i know your tricks
  16. it happened to my best friend, now he lives on the beach.
  17. lucky man
  18. If its my boyfriend, I want an intimate "holding" hug, but if I'm saying bye to a good friend it's "x style".
  19. how about xxx style?

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