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Girl Scout Cookies Journal (First Time Grower)

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by FuzzyNugz, Mar 20, 2016.

  1. [​IMG]

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  2. Just started this journal. Had a rough time getting these girls going. The runt in the corner is a clone that didnt take off will be out of the pic soon. Thoughts and advice are welcomed. I am using Supernatural Gro Aqua nutes at 400 ppm phd to 5.8 under two T5 6500k 20/4 light schedule, temps are between 72-80 degrees Fahrenheit, RH 53%. Some of the bottom leaves are browning and curling this is the last issue i need to fix.

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  3. First five lobed leaves are coming in and I'm getting excited! I'm still noticing that some bottoms leaves are browning starting with the tips. PH being kept around 6, PPM around 400, nutes are Supernatural Afro Aqua 11•6•16 mixed at 2/3 strength, air temp is kept around 70-80, RH 47-60, lights are 2 T5 HO 4000 lumen 6500 K, four inches above canopy, 20/4 light schedule, water changed every 7-10 days. [​IMG]

    Here are some of the leaves browning at the bottom, wondering if this is just a natural part of the life of the plant, or if I'm over feeding? These plants were germinated Jan 11th 2016 and I had issues with them, but finally have them on track, as this is my first grow! If any one can tell me what this might the issue and how to remedy it I would be very grateful?! [​IMG]

    Here are some root photos! I would appreciate any feed back and advice from my fellow growers! [​IMG]

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  4. Man...I may be wrong(I don't grow in hydro) so please confirm. I believe that the little bit of leaf burn is all on old growth and shouldn't be an issue just continue to monitor new growth to make sure the problem isn't spreading...basically they may have been burned earlier but the new growth looks good...actually maybe even need more nutes can't tell if its your lighting or the leaves look a little light?
    Anyway please confirm this remember my
    Basically giving you a bump to the top

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  5. Thanks for participating!!! Yeah im thinking the same about it being old growth and yeah am bumping up the nutes thinking that its nitrogen. Anyhow Ill give it a few more days to see what the extra nutes will do.

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  6. 1458900930819.jpg

    Here are some pics from today, the tips on some upper leaves are browning as well so still haven't solved that issue. Leaves are starting to lighting up so im adding some extra nutes. Anyone who knows how to tackle this issue let me know what the issue could be and how to fix it. can anyone give me a suggestion on PPM for plants this size? How do you figure out how much your plant is eating?

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  7. [​IMG]

    More pics just want to give as much visual info as possible!


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  8. She looks hungry man. Try raising your ppm to 500/600 and then check back in an hour. If it goes down then you could try raising it a little bit more or just leave it alone. If your PPM rises when you check on it dilute your res a bit. What kind of water are you using? How long have these been in your system?
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  9. #9 FuzzyNugz, Mar 26, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2016
    Im using RO water. I raised the ppm to 700 today so just waiting a few days to see what happens. These plants have been down here going on three weeks. Also started some foliar feeding. Heres an update, of course they had to get worst before the got better anyhow here they are.

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  10. #10 FuzzyNugz, Mar 26, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2016

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    Brown tips? Is it possible to have nute burn and difeciency at the same damn time? I uped the nutes so all I can do is wait. Also right now im still vegging under My T5 2 foot (2) fixture should I switch to my 150 hps could it be that they're ready for more intense light as well?
  11. #11 FuzzyNugz, Mar 26, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2016

    More pics! Hopefully upping the nutes will solve the issues.

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  12. Should I prune the dying leaves off or leave them a lil longer?

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  13. From the your pictures I can see that the temperature is very low

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  14. You wanna keep it at 24-26 C degrees

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  15. According to the Cannabis Encyclopedia by Jorge Cervantes my temp range has been fine. My cabinet stays between 76°-80°F. If you could elaborate more, so I can understand where you're coming from?

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  16. So I changed my Rez today I'm using RO water supplemented with 10ml or 250 ppm of MagiCal two tsp. Of Supernatural Gro Aqua, 10ml of sugar daddy, 2.5 ml of Thrive Alive B1, Root 66 2.5 ml. Saw the plants starting to react well to this mixture when I added some everything after the supernatural to my solution later last week so when I changed the Rez today decided to make the solution this way from the get go. I added more MagiCal went from 50% to 75% because my girls started showing K deficiency which has to do with using RO water to feed. I have some pics but they're not looking their best because of the K issue. [​IMG]

    I can't wait to see how they recover! For my first real attempt growing weed it's been a learning curve. Many say that beginners shouldn't start with hydro because of the learning curve, but I feel more determine to get good at it then ever! Growing is a long term goal for me and not something I expect to master in one season. I will be setting up another grow space tomorrow, and am very excited to finally have my grow tent! It's a 5x5x7 space with two SunSystem 315 watt LEC fixtures, this grow is going to be soil though. I am fortunate to be able to grow in both hydro and soil and look forward to sharing both experiences with you all!

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  17. Been a lil while but here's an update. I've been battling nute deficiencies and trying to solve the browning of the leaves. I think I solved even though some leaves still have the Breton spots I can tell the the progression is slowing down and the new growth at the bottom is starting to fill in. The temps has been pretty consistent around 75°F the Rez has been 68-70°F RH has been between 50-65%, ph has been with in range, and ppm is good. Here are some more pics. [​IMG]

    I feel like my root development could be better any tips?


    The brown is not root rot don't worry it's just the sugar daddy and root 66 they do that to the roots for some reason.

    I've been topping the Rez with about a cup to three cups daily, Rez change 7-10 days. This being my first grow it has presented me with lots of challenges my girls should be flowering already but had to veg them longer due to the poor state they were once in. Anyhow that's my update for today.

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  18. What is your PPM at?
  19. 900

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  20. Switched to my 150 watt HPS SunSystem fixture going to flower them in another few weeks. I thought instead of just, bam, switching to HPS to start flowering I'll switch now and lower the hours of light gradually. Fifteen minutes everyday for a few weeks until it's 12/12.


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