Girl problems

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by Tirehu, Apr 11, 2014.

  1. #1 Tirehu, Apr 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
    I am a 21 year old guy,  who got some issues these days. Haven't worked in 2 years, no school etc. Lost a lot of friends, i am mostly alone..  I like being alone.. I could survive being alone.. The only problem is that my sex drive is so high! I really want to get some girls going,, but feel like i have lost my mojo after i started with weed. doubt its the weed tho.
    I need advice! i just feel like a ugly bastard when no girls want me,, i usually checkout girls online and add randoms girls on Facebook. Im so shy IRL i don't dare to go approach a girl in the shopping mall, or in the club.
    Please i need advice!
    Im thinking is hold stop trying to get drunk and get girls, or get girls on Facebook. And work on myself instead
    Im adding a pic for u guys.


    Attached Files:

  2. girls dgaf as much as you may think about looks... confidence in your personality is key! Mind that you don't want to come off as cocky and arrogant either. Make her feel comfy around you. Make her laugh. 
  3. #3 bongtokes6200, Apr 11, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2014
    don't try to get girls on facebook lol

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  4. Bahahah wrong section brah. Try eharmony. And get off your ass and get a life. No offense.
  5. Who tries to pick up girls in a shopping mall lol
  6. Yes this right here.  Start working out, start eating better, find some hobbies that you like and do itttt.
    Find a passion for life.  Making some friends and hanging out with people will expose you to more available ladies.
  7. #7 GratefulFred, Apr 12, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 12, 2014
    Gotta agree with above. When you get your shit together the girls will come.  Start from the inside.  In my experience girls like guys who have things going on.  Think about what you wanna do and go for it.
  8. Unless you're a trust fund kid, get a job and worry about girls after acquiring a steady paycheck. Once you have a job you have less time to be alone but more money to go out and do things. Maybe gain some friends who are girls before thinking about dating any.
  9. Most women are attracted to confidence. Its why they throw themselves at taken guys, cuz you dont want or need it then lol

    Stay off facebook. Thats creepy unless you got mad game.

    Jus go to the gym, a church, hell even a grocery store.

    Without risk, theres no reward my brother.
  10. Was thinking about horseback riding, dancing or such. Tons of ladies at those places

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  11. LOL is this guy serious, this is a weed forum.. If hes not trolling then damnnn this dude desperate for some buns , get your game up and bag bitches on fb, its easy and painless if they shoot you down, one is bound to say yes right? lmao 
  12. Why have you not worked in 2yrs? I'd be more concerned with getting a job. Most of my hookups in my early years were with coworkers, look at it as a win/win. Get a job.
    Not cool.
  14. Agreed. Uncalled for and extremely cruel
  15. #15 bubbatreezz, Apr 12, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2014
    Okay so firstly I don't think you're that ugly. Without the weird selfie and some better clothes a haircut and some inner confidence honestly you will see things change. I'm not going to say read 'The Game' by Neil Strauss to get you into the world of PUA but that world is the most structured way to get vagina. Other literature regarding that: Magic Bullets, How to Win Friends and Influence People... and those kinds of self-help style books. Ones all found as .pdf files on a torrent site.
    This is the advice I am going to give though, and coming from a guy who has felt the way you do and now has a hot girlfriend and other girls checking: be confident. Smile. Alot. Put yourself in situations that you are uncomfortable, and make yourself comfortable in them. Grow as a person. People will notice that. Not just romantically, in every way. But girls will lust after you when you know that you can have a good time without them. When girls do show interest, don't get clingy. Know that you can have whoever you want. That mindset is EVERYTHING.
    Just my 2 cents.. could go on forever haa
  16. are you serious Fthiskidlol
  17. #17 doubled0218, Apr 12, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 12, 2014
    THIS. All day bro you're a good guy for helping the OP out
  18. for some reason i can't capitalise, oh well. if you want to get girls get stuff going on in your life. your looks matter less and less after you're able to get a job and go to university and all that good stuff. two years without a job is pretty bad though man. it leaves a massive rift in your life you'd best start moving away from as quickly as possible.
    my teens are just a big black area in my life because I suffered from depression and anxiety disorder, so whenever anyone asks it's a bit difficult for me to say much for it. now i have a job though and am compiling experiences that help make me a more interesting person. if you can make girls laugh that's a massive bonus in your favour. but that comes with confidence.
    key piece of advice would be to start doing and stop thinking. you're too much in your head and your life will be made by what you do, rather than what you think. you can have all the greatest thoughts in the world but if you fail to bring them into the world by doing, they're doomed to stay unknown except to you.
  19. #19 Delightfully High, Apr 12, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 12, 2014
    Get some confidence man. Girls LOVE confidence. Oh and BTW don't post pics of yourself on online forums unless you want it going viral with a bunch of Photoshopped dicks around your head or something like that.
  20. I've succeeded in doing this.

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