Girl Help

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by Blazed4dayz, Aug 11, 2010.

  1. Ok, I would like some help fellow blades on a situation that has been going on long enough.

    I just finished grade 12, and throughout my year there, I've been talking to this chick, Simona. I didn't want to be anything more then a friend with her, but over these last few months, my feelings towards her changed.

    The problem: I want to ask her out and all, but shes told me countless times shes not looking to be in a relationship, so I kinda just budge it off ya know. But the thing is shes EXTREMELY flirty and will be very affectionate. This other guy, my buddy has asked her out 3 times, getting rejected each time and has been trying to get with her since..grade 11 I think. Not so recently, but like a month ago was this chick's bday party and my buddy did something that pissed her off, made her cry, and in return he started acting really depressed and sad and didn't want to talk with anyone. So were watching a movie and all, and my buddies on the ground cause he didn't want to be beside her or anything, she comes and sits right beside me, snuggles up to me, puts her legs on me, and my buddy is sitting across..and I'm just like..uhh..fuck me.

    Now when I say flirty, I mean it. She sends out mixed signals and doesn't even realize it.
    My buddy said he sent like 1000 texts to her, and she led him on and all. I brought it up with her the next day and her response was 'So?'. Like wtf.

    Now I'm holding back, and keeping me from asking her out cause I have a good friendship with her for now, and I'm sure it'd be a lot more awkward if I get rejected and all. I don't like striking out lol.
    I've tried to tell her to trust in relationships and not all guys are dickheads and looking for sex too.

    Recently, she left for vacation and she uploaded pics of her at a club with friends, guys all over her, and they're like..24. Keep in mind, shes 18. I'm 18. Every friend that has seen the pics has told me to forget about her and ignore her cause she probably has gotten pieced by guys there by the looks of the photos. I don't want to judge, but at the same time, I'm pretty pissed.

    She wants me to smoke her out and all and take her weed virginity too, I might add. Should I and see where it gets me? I dunno. This things fucked, and I'm pretty crazy over this chick but at the same time I want to let go cause of all the reasons that have piled up.

    I would like some advice..really could use some.
    I tried to explain it as best I can.
    Please help blades:confused:
  2. Smoke her out, then when she falls asleep stick it in her pooper and pee.

    Problem solved! You won't have to talk to her ever again.
  3. #3 db`, Aug 11, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2010
    Sounds like a fucking attention whore to me. Stay the fuck away.

    My buddy has been in the "take away her weed virginity" situation, too. He just ended up with a boner at the end of the night and about .3g less in weed. The next day he tried to follow-up and score a date but ACCESS DENIED. It's not worth it.

    If you really want to take a shot at it, you can try spilling your guts once you both start landing back on earth after the session. I'm not sure if doing it during the high would be a safe bet...

  4. geeze thats a rude awakening.

    anyway about your sticky situation. don't stay in the friend zone too long.;)
  5. Yeah she is an attention whore. But shes one of those chicks that makes you fall in love with their personality and all, I guess ;S

    She wanted me to smoke her out before she left, but I kinda dodged.
  6. become a buddy with benefits AKA make a move jackass.

    just kidding about the jackass part.
  7. I don't plan to honestly.
    I want to have a good steady relationship with her, but not as friends. If I can't have a real relationship with her, should I stick as a friend or just dipset out of there?

    Like its confusing and all. I've dealt with a few chicks in my life, and this one is probably the one I love the most but at the same time can't understand.
  8. ^ they changed the name to
  9. #9 50/100 Smoka, Aug 11, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2010
    Man one thang I never do is build feelings for females quickly, but imo if she is putting her legs on you & shit, start feeling on that shit lol joking or just ask her if you can take her out see were it goes, she might just be trying to make dude jealous because he likes her, then again she might like you & just be afraid to make a move.. Females are all different & some make a move, some wait for the man because they dont know how the man feels, imo i would make a move or ask her out, because your building feelings & in doing that you may get them hurt, Honestly Ive never been in love but Ive seen my friends who was with chicks for years & bitchs will eat you heart like no other which is why I dont really look for relationships I stick to girls that let me smash, & I tell them im not looking for anything serious lol, But if you in love & havent had sex, or actually took her out than you will be pussy whipped the first second you touch the pussy & most likely she will play you like a p3, If i was you id either try to have a relationship, or just stop before you get hurt
  10. Roofies.....they never say no 30 minutes later

    Dude she sounds like an attention whore who is just trying to make people jealous and have them mad at one another. If you look for more than just pussy out of this situation I really don't have anything to say besides....well good look I guess because it sounds like a waste of time. On the other hand you could be the friend who she just so happens to fuck as well. Be confident in yourself and don't let her take control over situations....girls will walk all the fuck over you the moment they see they can.
  11. yeah ic what you mean.

    I'll have to wait n c when she gets back. if i even want to go after her then.
    thx guys.
  12. Have sex with her and then propose a relationship after if you want. Otherwise keep it fuck buddies.

    idk friend zone blows. Its nice when you don't want anything from the chick but when you do its a bitch and a half to get out of cause your wants cause you to make the wrong moves at the wrong times.

    One night when you guys are partying flirt with her jokingly. Turn everything you can towards sex or making out. Then move from there

    REMEMBER!!!: 95% of all tickle fights end in sex
  13. blow her god damn brains out

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