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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by rhegedor, Aug 7, 2011.

  1. Is ghosting bad for your lungs at all. I mean like holding it in long enough so its getting close to transparent or basically is. Im just interested to see because, even though i know it cant be awful, i just wanna see what other people think about it.

    (also the main reason i like to do that is because i like to get as much as i can obviously so i figure why not)
  2. Well think about it.... instead of savoring the good stuff and blowing the rest out, you're saving everything, every chemical. Not all of them are good...
  3. Of course it is. Ghosting is dumb in my opinion. Three seconds is all you need for the THC to be absorbed into your lungs.

    You are also killing your brain cells by holding your breathe so long.
  4. I heard 95% is taken in from just holding it in for 2-3 secs. I don't ghost and if I do it doesn't really make me any higher.
  5. Ghosting gives the chemicals in the smoke more time to settle in your lungs. 3 seconds is more than enough time to absorb a hit.
  6. 9 seconds son
  7. They just call that holding your breath. A ghost is where you let out a ball of smoke and inhale it back in inherently creating a ghost like figure in the smoke but it is also called the snap inhale

    And if your holding smoke in your mouth that long thats just nasty staleness
  8. thanks for all of the good feedback dont get that good of feedback anywhere else on the internet. Im just very athletic so i like to know about this stuff so thanks. And Im just saying, correct me if im wrong. when you let out of a ball of smoke and inhale it back in i think thats called ghosting but also holding it in for a long time and letting it become transparent is called ghosting. I guess doing the whole, inhaling of smoke gets into into your lungs more, it helps you ghost so it will be easy if you want to ghost it.
  9. Holding hits in hard may damage your lungs. :( As to how long is best, well, how about some medical studies where they can actually measure the amount of THC that gets into you? So rather than go with the "I heard"s, or it seems to me"s, learn the facts!

    Breathhold duration and response to marijuana smoke. (abst - 1989)
    Breathhold duration and response to marijuana smok... [Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 1989] - PubMed result

    Marijuana Smoking: Factors That Influence the Bioavailability of Tetrahydrocannabinol (full - 1990)

    Response to marijuana as a function of potency and breathhold duration (abst - 1991)
    Response to marijuana as a function of potency and... [Psychopharmacology (Berl). 1991] - PubMed result

    Marijuana smoking: effect of varying delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol content and number of puffs. (abst - 1992)
    [FONT=&quot]Marijuana smoking: effect of varying delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol content and number of puffs.[/FONT]

    Marijuana smoking: effects of varying puff volume and breathhold duration.
    (abst - 1995)
    Marijuana smoking: effects of varying puff volume ... [J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1995] - PubMed result

    Effects of Varying Marijuana Potency on Deposition of Tar and D 9 -THC in the
    Lung During Smoking (full - 1997)

    Quantification and comparison of marijuana smoking practices: blunts, joints, and pipes.
    (abst – 2011) Quantification and comparison of marijuana smoking... [Drug Alcohol Depend. 2011] - PubMed result


    Granny :wave:
  10. Just as everyone else said, it's not great for your lungs...ever used a sploof? Check out how brown and nasty the dryer sheets get after a few days or weeks of using it, all that icky stuff stays in your lungs otherwise.

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