OK, some trippy ass shit and I cannot explain it, just looking for opinions... First I want to say, this shit is NOT made up, and happens when I'm NOT stoned.. I've always felt myself to be of sound mind and not so much a sound body... lol My wife watches these "Ghost" finder shows and is always like OMG did you see that, and I'm always like WTF EVER.... OK, it's a long story, but ya need to get a feel of what's been happening to us..... We went through a hurricane, lost everything, moved back to our home state on a dime, and bought this house with the VERY LAST fucking penny I had, which the foundation was built back in the late 1800s.... OK, so of course it's a fixer upper, and we been here for a little over a year now... The whole time there has been shit I just cannot explain which I have shrugged off as reflections, lack of sleep, just forgetting where I put shit, malfunctions in equipment, etc. etc. etc. But it's now getting out of hand.... Like, I'll close a window cause I'll get cold (ya in Aug. WTF), come back half hour later and it's open.. I'll be working on my chamber, set something down to do something else (in the same area and minutes apart), then I'll go to pick up whatever, and it's gone... Mostly flashlights... Then I'll find it a couple days later in a TOTALLY unrelated area which I was working... Again, I shrug it off as "well I don't remember, but I had too set it down there", it's the ONLY logical answer.... Then I'm ALWAYS seeing shit out the corner of my eye, like movement, and or shapes, and then when I turn my head, nothing. Again, "must be tired and or stoned"..... And the floor creaks in a lot of spots, so do the stairs, and when in the basement, I hear the floor creaking like someone is walking up there, and I know I'm the only one home.. Since I do not hear an actual footstep of like a shoe, it MUST be one of the dogs or the cat maybe... Again, it's the ONLY logical answer.... Oh, another good one I cannot explain.... I opened up a flower chamber and the temp was 80F and I thought that's odd, cause it should have come on at 78.. Just as I looked at the controller's temp knob that was set at 90, the exhaust kicked on....... DO WHAT???? The controller is set at 90, so it should have not come on until 90, and off at 87.. Then I check the max recorded chamber temp, it said 80 max and 77 min......... How the fuck is the blower coming on below the set controller temp to maintain chamber temps???? I've moved that controller to another chamber, it's functioning fine... On at set max and off 3 lower... Now about a week ago, TOTALLY FUCKED MY MIND SLAP UP!!! It's about 2 or 2:30am, I just went to bed and in that part of "just starting to fall asleep", and I hear a bang from downstairs, which brings me out, and now I'm awake listening, thinking what that noise could have been, really thinking of my grow chambers, did something fall maybe..... THEN I hear the downstairs floor creak, loud so I know it was heavy, cause my wife cannot make it squeak like I do... THEN I hear another creak go off, and this one is closer to the bottom of the stairs... THEN I hear the distinct sound of heavy footsteps coming up the stairs........... I'm not crazy, it was VERY distinct..... I quickly lean over open the nightstand, grab my 45, drop in a clip, and hit the slid lock.. Now, while doing this I can see the doorway out of the corner of my eye, JUST as the slide slammed shut, loading a round in the pipe, I distinctly seen a figure about 6' tall appear in the bedroom doorway, I swung my arm pointing the pistol at the door and yelled STOP RIGHT THERE!!!!!!!!! BUT THERE WAS NOTHING IN THE DOORWAY........ WTF????? I sprang to my feet, knowing that I did not hear footsteps go down the stairs again, I bolted to the bedroom door, and cleared the hallway, flipping on its light, I have another bedroom in front of me, and a bathroom to my left... So while trying to cover both rooms, I made my way to the bathroom door, entered the bathroom in a way I could sweep the room, and still cover my 6, and so the bedroom door was out of my sight for maybe a second as I cleared the shower... To shorten the story, I entered the bedroom hot have heavy fully expecting to find some crazy MFer in my house, NOTHING.. After clearing the bedroom, I cleared the rest of the house.... NOTHING AND NO BODY, the house was totally secure.... When I got back up stairs, wife was ALL FREAKED OUT!! She seen exactly what I seen out of the corner of my eye........ She said that a man about 6' tall, walked up the stairs, and stopped at the bedroom doorway..... Then simply vanished when I swung the gun. She said that she could not see any features, only his shape, and she said it looked like he was wearing a long trench coat.. The kind that comes down to your ankles.... So last night I'm taking the every other day pics of the grow, nothing out of the norm... Oh and I take the pics with my Droid, so I take them in the dark, using the flash, just before the HIDs fire up..... I did not see anything when the cam flashed, or hear anything, it was just another night snapping pics... When I take them in the dark like that, I'll take a pic, move just a little then take another pic... Cause sometimes the auto focus sucks, so I take like 3-4 of the same area, and about 1-2 sec apart, just moving a little... So it's take a pic, move in, or out, or to the left, or right a little and snap another pic..... Here is what I seen today after looking at the pics.... OK, am I fucking tripping out, or do you too see shape to that mist???? What the fuck could that be???? Again, it was: Snap, move a little, Snap, move a little, Snap, move a little...... If it was something on the lens of the Droid, why only in the middle pics???? I just do not know what to believe now... Do you believe in ghosts or do you believe like I do, it's simply the mind wanting to believe there is life after death... Well did believe that anyway, cause now after being in this house for a year, I'm honestly not sure.....
did you use a flash when taking the pictures? looks like it could be some flashback or glare from something. freaky none the less. i imagine being a ghost would be boring maybe he just wants to get high lol but yeah most of those things had some more or less reasonable logical things that could have caused them except for the coming up the stairs seeing an apparition bit.
Damn bro thats some crazy shit gave me the chilles just reading it. You should move it possible. Or research tht shit and see how you can communicate or see what it wants or to bring it ease. Do you know anything bout the house like past who lived their if anyone died? idk man sounds crazy I not sure what to believe but this shit sounds real
Interesting... Very interesting.... Could be gnomes. And the guy in the trench coat sounds like that Alexis Texas video where she goes around flashing people then fucks some dude. In all seriousness thts some freaky shit, but I know what you're talking about when you see people out of the corner of your eye and it just goes away. It's like a black shadow, I've seen it before. If you go to pandora box and search "shadow people" that's what those are called, the thread is alot of stories about them.
Look up the house history. Leave a bowl loaded for the guy maybe be wants to smoke. I beleive In ghost. I tried closeing the door to my room at like 2 am and someone softly pulled against the direction I was pulling the door to where I was like wtf and had to look out,no one there...and I've seen legit ufo activity...
I have seen a ghost before when I was 12 and it is not a pleasant experience.If I were you I would call Ghost Adventurers,look them up on google.But also as the guy above me said look up the house history.BTW may I ask what state you live in because since the foundation was built in the 1800s maybe it housed a civil war soldier?Anyway hopefully you will find a way to deal with this.
Man, your story gave me chills reading it. I can't offer you much advice or an explanation but living in that house sounds fucking terrifying. I'm not much of a believer in the paranormal but your story sounds pretty creepy. I too suggest looking up the house history.
That's what I thought, but I've taken pics all through veg and now flowering... And I have looked up the house's history and a lot of deaths in this house.... It set for 3yrs empty before we bought the house.... The neighbor says the owners when he moved in next door back in the mid 70s, he said first the guy passed in the house, then the wife shortly after... He says there have been a few families in here since, but only lasted 6mo the longest... Also said none of them said anything about anything weird... I been looking at shit online, and they say people experience the sensation of cobwebs... OMG, I get that ALL the time in the basement, only to look up and see nothing there, and find nothing on me... I don't know, I'm still not a believer... But that night did freak me out, and I have NO CLUE what it was...... The house settling and our eye playing tricks on us because we "believed" we heard someone coming up the stairs... Who knows.... Just real trippy shit I've never encountered and figured I'd share to show how fucking crazy my ass is....
the cobweb feeling could just be hair...if you have longer hair. and it was the flash man....just keep telling yourself that.....it was just the flash....haha. I'm pretty skeptic too, but I do at least acknowledge that there is the possibility of shit we as human can't explain. Good luck with the ghosty issues. Hopefully it doesn't keep fucking with your grow. haha
Thanks.... Ya I was a HUGE skeptic, and to the point I'd get stoned and about piss myself watching them ghost shows.. The old lady says, cause he was all black that means he was a bad entity..... I'm like, "baby that's not even right and that's just racist".... Again, could have been our eye playing tricks on us because we "believed" we heard someone coming up the stairs.. Sure freaked me out though..... All I could think while doing the sweep is, "man I hope I don't have to split a MF'er wig"... That's all I need, active grow rooms, and a dead guy laying in there on my floor with his cap pealed back...
Creaks happen in old houses thats a fact, sometimes it can sound like someones walking or running. Hows your wife handle it all, i wouldnt wanna leave her alone there, but thats just me. Get a wigi board, and then youll know for sure and if you got bad spirits buy some contents insurance and burn the mother fucker to the ground.
true. good thing there wasn't anybody there...I don't think that would have gone over well haha. I'm sure the cops would have just been like oh drug deal gone bad prison time for you.
This is pretty crazy. I don't/wouldn't know what to think after a crazy experience like that. The pics are weird too. When you say cobweb sensation do you mean that feeling you get when you walk through a cobweb and you can feel that really light hair/silky spider web on you? If so I have experienced this weird feeling tons of times without actual cobwebs... very interesting theory on it. Sidenote: How bout a pic of that .45? I like guns
Dam I don't usually believe in ghosts and stuff like that but your story's fucked man, I mean you and your wife both saw someone standing there just vanish, and ur plant temps changing and stuff it's all just so messed, u should set up video cameras around your house and produce a homemade paranormal activity movie, maybe this will anger the spirit and u get some crazy shit on tape that makes u a millionaire Edit: did ur wife also hear all the weird noises going up the stairs and stuff
Always got to be 1 a$$ in the crowd... LOL See attached..... Well I did not actually see it directly.... I was frantically trying to get my weapon ready, so with the emotion I was feeling, I could not know what I seen out the corner of my eye, all I know is something blocked the dim light from the hallway into the bedroom.... Again, by time I got my eyes over to the door, there was nothing there... But my wife described what I see out of the corner of my eye... It all happened so fast, like I say, as soon as the slide locked, that's when I seen the light from the hallway get blocked by what "looked like" someone stepping into the doorway, and when I swung the pistol and yelled, there was nothing there..... My mindset in the heat of the moment said they jumped back into the hall and entered the bathroom or the spare bedroom... So it all was more of a reflex or reaction to an event, but I NEVER directly seen anything.... But oddly enough when all was said and done, the wife described the exact same thing that I thought I seen... And her accounts of what happened were exact as mine...
If its a ghost or ghosts and they are not a harm to you then who cares? Ive seen plenty of ghosts and such ever since i was a child and only had a handful or bad experiences with the dark side of the after life. Try welcoming it and accepting it and i doubt it will continue to be a problem