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Ghetto cloner

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by miller_tokes_moles, Jul 20, 2017.

  1. [​IMG][​IMG]
    Not my first clone done like this but it is my first grow so I was wondering what this looks like to others who know what their doing. It's the largest cutting I've tried and only did it because this branch was running into a wall and starting to stress.
  2. It might work out better with a air pump in the water and micro nutes in a super low dose

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  3. Also you may have afew too many nodes on that cutting I'm not 100% but 3-5 leafs is plenty too big can work but it won't focus on grow roots as much also clones are better off being taken from the lower parts of the plants as it has the most rooting hormones

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  4. Go online for used fish supplies, there's tons of dirt cheap air pumps

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  5. This was my lower most branch on a 6 foot tall plant, and I'm going to get an air pump once I get my check from work today. I have a few different types of nutes, and I can show a picture of a successful one I'm adjusting to sun right now. Besides the air pump what else may be helpful?
  6. [​IMG]
    This is the mother of the cutting I took the cut from the bottom right

    Moles are stinky
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  7. My ghetto cloner are rock wool cubes rooting powder both very cheap and just throw them in gladware containers. I dont see your way having a good percentage chance of rooting. You need humidity
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  8. You need a little airstone for the pump. And definitely cut the branching down to just the top section. Then chop all the big leaves in half.
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  9. So the airstone pump and more trimming I will get on. But one question. I live in a place where humidity is extremely low and I did get rooting success in this one[​IMG] with just spraying water on the leaves while it sat in coke bottle with clonex and transplanted to soil a couple days ago. Is humidity pretty key here or not due to the outdoor conditions on the mother and adjusting the clone to the low humidity after rooting?

    Moles are stinky
  10. Your cloning method will work but takes a little longer I just recently did one wish I don't have pics it's called the poor man cloning method google it

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  11. I have done research on the poor mans cloning method, this is just on a larger scale I believe . I cut into two separate cutting now [​IMG][​IMG]

    Moles are stinky

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