Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Shotgun813, Oct 11, 2022.

  1. Ok. Check this out. On October 8 around 730am, I came to do a feeding and everything looked good. I fed all my plants back there the same thing.
    -5 gallon jug
    -15 ml Big Bud
    -10 ml Big bloom
    - ph adjusted to 6.2

    Also I went back roughly 11 hours later and she was dead. Weird.

    I switched over to Big Bud this feeding from Flower Fuel. Is that what killed her? I'm guessing she took to much of a beating from Ian. She had a few broken branches and what not. Any thoughts? 20221008_074935.jpg 20221008_073201.jpg 20221008_074920.jpg 20221008_164147.jpg 20221008_164141.jpg 20221008_162911.jpg 20221008_162915.jpg

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  2. Looks to me theirs no air in the root zone, let her dry out for a week or so,,
    note this could lead to root rot,
    IMO dry her out allow her roots to dry.. dig a channel?

    I imagine the hole you dug is hard earth with soft compost added has built a bucket?
    now waterlogged

    good luck
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  3. That's a good idea. I'll do that right away but it's a 5 gallon transplant. The soil is very moss root like stuff, top layer wise. Sandy as he'll after that.

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  4. Check this out. I went and looked at it again and noticed that one branch is still alive 20221011_090504.jpg 20221011_090458.jpg

    Sent from my SM-G981V using Grasscity Forum mobile app
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  5. only to be repeated at you next grow, no keep her going ...this is a tiny fix
    you will wish you did keep her ...
    so close

    good luck

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