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Getting Skimped

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by mutated seabass, Aug 11, 2006.

  1. Well all my connects I know have been pretty dry lately due to summer, so my last resort to pick up was from this dude a few minutes away. So I go to where he lives (this public housing complex) and talk to his little brother about getting a gram. He calls his brother and after half an hour of waiting, his brother pulls up in his car. He tells me to keep it on the DL so I hand him 20 bucks and he hands me the dub and drives away. I take a look at the dub and I got skimped bigtime. It looks like .5-.6 max with alot of shake. There's nothing I can do about it because a refund is not an option. I'm obviously never gonna buy shit from him again. It sucks alot to be skimped. So what am I gonna do? I'm just gonna roll it all into a jay, smoke it to the dome, forget it ever happend, and be more careful about these things in the future. :smoking: peace guys.

    p.s. fuck gangsters.
  2. I know exactly how you feel man. It's your choice whether you want to make an example out of this dude or not. For some reason some people just think they can make a living off ripping people off. I hear them bragging about it.
  3. Well,hopefully you will learn from this incident and look for better dealers who aren't sketchy.I also recommend you asking him to weigh it in front of you.This is a surefire way of making sure you don't get skimped again and won't find yourself in sketchy situations like the one you encountered.
  4. he skimped you on a gram? that's pathetic...what a waste of oxygen
  5. man i hate punk ass dealers just remember they aint doing you a favor by serving you up so you can be as rude as you want i dont buy from other people just close freinds and family but when i used to i always had my scale or made them scale it before my eyes i dont care if its a problem, your buying from them remeber that
  6. ya man i hate that shit. thats happened to me before.back when i use to buy g's i was picking up through my friend from this other guy. it was a 20 dollar G which is pretty gay but when i got it from my friend it was a half G if that. i know my friend didnt pinch me but it pissed me off that i got ripped so hard. your only 2 options are

    1. dont buy from him again (and if you have ANY self esteem and regard for your own money than you are already doing that)
    2. kick his ass if your willing to.

    if he will hook you up with the rest or give your money back than do that.
  7. fyi, dub = double gram'age not 20 bucks.
  8. fyi, everybody calls it something different
  9. thanks bro. haha I laughed. Getting a refund is definitely not an option because i'd probably get shot. fuckin gangsters. i hate los angeles
  10. Ya here in chicago, you don't buy shit from the projects unless you are from one.
  11. 20 bucks for a gram kinda sucks but damn u rly got fucked

    i think you should kick his ass if u can

    sry bro i hope atleast u enjoyed it

    anyway karma will bite that fucker in the ass
  12. My dealer always ways it up in front of me and he always makes it .1 over.
  13. ouch $20 a g =\, about $7 here with the convertion rate
  14. he's a dealer in the ghetto...POW KARMA BIOTCH!
  15. I think everyone has been there at one point in their life.
    That happened to me before I left for florida. One of my buddies was looking for a half 1/8 and I am the connect for my close friends... so I call everyone and they are all out or reupping and... I have like 2 last resort dealers.. so if it came down to it, I could use them, but it's not really worth it. So i call this girl and I'm like I'm looking for a half 1/8 can you hook it up? and shes like sure. But earlier that day she tried to sell me the SKIMPIEST ten sack. It wasn't even a bowl, it was pathetic... but she's like yeah i'll get that for you, and I made sure that it would be buds and good and chron, she assured me.
    Half hour later i've got this shitty ass skimped sack in my hands with the ten sack she trie to lay off on me earlier... I didn't get too mad, because it was my bad going through her. And we still got ripped.. so I guess in the long run it was worth it.

    I hate shady dealers... peace and love man :hippie:
  16. get a scale. have a trusted friend go with you, demand he wiegh it out for you BEFORE YOU GIVE MONEY. :smoking:
  17. i've never been REALLY bably ripped off, but like out of $5-10 at most....I just try to keep my contacts as well known as possible...
  18. My friend's like hey I can buy Os for like $70! And I know the kid and he rips people off big time. So he's like yo I'll brb I'm gonna pick up a half O for $50. I've never seen anything over an 8th, so I'm expecting a hell of a lot and when he gets back its like an eighth. If that and it was all brown. Looked like tobacco and it sucked. We smoked like 4 - 5 bowls over two days and he's like yo we smoked a quarter! And really prolly all we did was dime. I didn't want to ruin his spirit tho so I went along with it.

    Yeah after looking at pics of peoples pickups on here, I know how much it is now.
  19. Hehe, a gram to me is 30 bucks. Sure there are 10-25 and 20 dollar grams, but I go for only the best. In LA, everything costs more, but we get paid more too (the skilled ones anyways).

    I've been skimped on a sac many times, who cares, how many times have you been hooked up? I call it even everytime.

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