So throughout high school, i didnt get as much action as i would have liked. Then in grade 12 i went to a boarding school florida in a resort and found a weed slut. Basically we would smoke, then get it on. This probably happened about 8 times total. Now that ive gone home, its been hard to stop thinking about her and she keeps on messaging me to come back, which i will later. So basically i want to stop thinking about this girl, cuz i know shes just another slut. Any advice?
I have a feeling that you honestly don't think she's a slut.. Otherwise you wouldn't give a fuck about her.. Or maybe your strange feelings are your callings to be a pimp. Maybe she'll be your first hoesky lol.
if she actually is just another slut, then wtf? She's just a hoe. If you have feelings for her, then that's another pain, only another vagina and time will heal that
If you want real advice, just go out and get talking to some other girls. Good ones aren't particularly uncommon, you just have to smile and be confident. Think about what kind of vibe you give off, and work out what kinds of girls are more likely to go for that, and make your moves on them...but like I said, give off a positive and self-assured vibe and girls will be all over your dick before you can say "how did this girl get in my pants? why is she touching me there? what's going on?", and then you pass out and wake up in a bathtub in some creepy hotel BUT THAT DOESN'T MATTER, because you got over some slut.
ah, girl problems. i'm also in the "trying to get over a girl" phase myself as of the moment, and the bad thing is i see her almost everyday because she's my co-worker. but the thing that is helping me the most honestly is really just controlling my thoughts. its not easy, and i'm not 100% at it, but it really decreased the degree of me thinking about her all the time for no damn reason. she used to be on my mind 90% of the day, really. but now, i'd say she's down to 40%, haha. i mean she still affects me in a way, but not as much as it used that i'd get all depressed and shit. i tell you, just have to think less of her and keep your mind occupied with other stuff that can make you a better person.
Also, I guarantee you that this girl isn't THAT great. Out of the approx 4 billion girls in this world (4 fucking BILLION), I'm sure she's not even top thousand. Probably not even top million with numbers that gigantic. Take a holiday to eastern Europe, buy a wife, and you'll never worry about girls again.
You probobly just liked having a chick around to smoke with have sex with and chill with . Cool chicks that are down to sex and smoke are rare , hence your feelings . Is she really a slut ? Or was she just easy with you?
Slut, shes one of those girls who talks about all the sex and hook ups they have. First time i smoked with her she said she had only given head so far today.