Getting kicked out.

Discussion in 'General' started by GeTTeR, Feb 13, 2014.

  1. Ayoo my fellow blades.

    I am probably getting kicked out of my house soon and with the whole apartment thing. I would only be renting for a few months. Idk if its smart to rent an apartment for a few months before I go away to college but I simply can not stand dealing with my mom any longer haha. Im 18 and have a part time job that can get me around 30 hours a week at minimum wage.

    I am thinking that I can move out and rent a room at my friends house. His parents would rent it to me for around 400-500 a month. Which would be great.

    I could wait the time around 6 months and go to college. Or I could leave tomorrow and be gone of the thing (my mom) that has always bothered me, put me down, and recently harasses me.

    I feel the best thing to do is take action instead of sitting on my ass complaining. Why not do something ya know?

    Just tell me if you guys have had any experience with this. Maybe its me but having an emotionally abusing bi polar faimly life has caused me to just be unable to handle living in there house. Tell me how you guys handled moving out/getting kicked out.

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  2. 1 word. Roommates.
  3. Doesn't sound like you're getting kicked out :confused_2:
  4. I was thinking that too. But i dont want to pull to an apartment with me if they dont already want to move out.

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  5. What is it SPECIFICALLY about your one and only mother that bothers you. Dont say she's "abusive" give me specifics of how she abuses you. I used to not get along with my mom... but now we do. She's still the same. I'm the one who changed. Tell me about it.

    Sent from my MexiPhone5000
    He said emotionally. Sometimes you get along with your family better the less you see them.
  7. In a way my parents are forcing it on me. Im leaving just picking the date sorta.

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  8. Didnt really ask you

    Sent from my MexiPhone5000
  9. I mean there are a lot of things. From when I was younger she would use absolute fear as a way to control me. She would threaten to burn me if I was bad or worse. My brother wasn't born long after me and he was resistant at first, scaring me to believe that she really ment what she said. She is quite bi polar in the way that she will be yelling at you one instant then the next ask why you seem sad. In a way I see her life as one big confusion and even more scary I see myself getting sucked into that confusion too.

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    Sorry dude thought you couldn't read?
  11. Thanks for the help but the way its read does make his comment seem ruff but I dont think he ment it that way. Maybe he has had some emotional problems too. That he was trying to use to help. I do appreciate your post though.

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  12. Hmm... my mom never threatened to hurt me by burning me. Yeah, get out while you can

    Sent from my MexiPhone5000
  13. That was when I was little. Now that im older and she knows I smoke. Every time I do something she doesn't like she threatens to call the cops on me. I dont need the added stress.

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  14. She's going to be really lonely when her kids grow up and stop talking to her..
  15. Exactly. It was gonna be some tough love if you said she yells at me or she doesn't let me go out when i want. But your mom sounds unstable...

    I'm bi-polar and i'm fairly sure my mom is too... we used to battle bro... BATTLE... my dad was caught in the middle. Anyway, i was a punk ass kid, and that's why my mom used to be hard on me.

    Sent from my MexiPhone5000
  16. #16 Full-Time Mexican, Feb 13, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2014
    No i can read?????? You were looking for a period. It looks like this "."

    Sent from my MexiPhone5000
  17. Are you smoking weed in her house or keeping it there?

    Sent from my MexiPhone5000
  18. I had a crazy bi-polar mom.  The teenage years were rough...... Kicked out or not I'd get out of there for sure if you can especially if she's going through menopause haha.  I don't even need to ask your details.  Fucked up family life is fucked up family life and AINT NOBODY GOT TIME FO THAT! :D
    IS that 400-500 full accommodation?  You get to eat and don't have to buy your own soap and asswipe and all that? If so that's a sweet deal. You aren't going to find that sweet of a deal anywhere else.  Even if not it's not so bad of a deal.  Just be sure to think of yourself as a long term guest and be respectful to the families wishes(this means no pot in the house even). Can always stash it outdoors somewhere off their property.
     Renting an apartment is going to be much more expensive.  You are going to need damage deposit which is sometimes a whole months rent on top of your first months rent.  Some places will only rent if you sign 6-12 month leases at minimum as well.  Then sometimes utility companies require a deposit and start up/hookup fees if you have never had them under your name before.
    Cheers young man, HTH!
  19. I think you should tough it out for the 6 months to leave to college if your not actually being kicked out.
    Living on your own is gonna be a lot more money than you think.

    You should just stick to yourself, ignore your mom and pretty much cut communications with her. If you close her out and she really really loves you she's gonna let up a little bit to get you to talk to her.
  20. I can't sympathize or relate to being 'abused' at home, but I did leave home at 17 after a long history of being lambasted by my mother and one final altercation with my parents. I left that night with nothing, slept in a friend's garage, and moved to the city within a week. I was homeless for those first few weeks before nailing down the three jobs I needed to afford a place to rent.

    It is not easy to start out and I encourage you to think long and hard about how moving out will affect both your present and your future. With only 6 months before you move again, don't cause yourself many, many years of financial struggle because you "need" to get out.

    I say move in with your friends if their parents are willing to have you. Don't do anything to jeopardize their good will toward you. Good luck, bro.

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