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Getting high twice in a row

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by JoshuaBr, Feb 17, 2013.

  1. Is it just me or do other people feel that getting high the second time in one day in nowhere near as good as the first time? I feel that the second time I smoke I don't feel like I'm getting all that much higher, no matter how fat the second bowl is. I definitely don't feel sober but I just don't get the same feeling as the first high. Any thoughts?
  2. it's not just you
  3. Yea, I'd assume it has to do with tolerance maybe?
  4. Same thing happens with me. First smoke of the day always gets me the highest
  5. same is true for the first time in a week, month and probably a year.
  6. I get that feeling to but I think it stems from forgetting to smoke more. I get so forgetful I forget to smoke and just sit their wishing I was more high, lol.

    Try smoking more
  7. Wait 'till u sober up before u light up again, never had that problem.
  8. This always happens to me so, so when I tell my cousin he says that he always gets high, so something's wrong with me !
    But yeah the first high of the day is great, & if I try to do again it's more of just a relaxing phase not a head change
  9. I smoke Numerous times a day
  10. If I were at a tolerance where I was smoking 1 bowl a day, no a 2nd bowl would not get me any less high.

    But sure, if you smoke a lot every day generally that first toke is by far the strongest.
  11. I know exactly what your talking about! A little while ago I smoked one bowl out of a bong then that night I smoked a joint with my friends. All I got was a really nice, happy head high. Unlike in the morning I got blazed as fuck off the bong pack.

  12. Hmmm is there any way to like sober yourself up before the second go? I guess a shower might work but I usually take one before I smoke
  13. This always happens to me. If I completely sober up before the second smoke (it takes me a loooong time to sober up though) you can get the same high, or you can smoke a whole hell of a lot more.

    I am a twice daily smoker, usually my bowls are spread far apart so it doesn't happen, but sometimes my time doesn't work that way so I end up just smoking a lot more at night to get the same high.

    People say you can maintain a high through the day but I've never been able to do that and not blow through my weed like a mad man.
  14. Maybe you're just getting used to being high all that day, so you don't notice it as much? Kind of how you acclimate to temperature throughout the day...

  15. Exactly what I was thinking
  16. The first sesh of the day is always the best.

  17. True words man, maybe I should just limit myself too a once a day smoke. That's easier said than done though haha
  18. Na the only way to refresh is sleep
  19. getting high for the second time, or smoking for the second time? people dont realize that the effects of mj stays with us for a while. we may not be 'stoned' but we are still high. so the effect is more of a top off effect rather than a fresh cup of coffee. i smoke through the day so im always high up there on the high meter.

    ive been laying off the wake and bakes, and been starting later in the day, and i seem to notice the effects more.

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