Getting high from tv?

Discussion in 'General' started by Qoric, Jun 22, 2007.

  1. This is weird i have been feeling like crap all day from amphetamine withdraw and the second i turn on the t.v i feel awesome. Has anyone else noticed something like this? I'm probably just being weird :D
  2. amphetamine withdrawl? are you addicted to meth, dex or adderall?
  3. smoking crack are we?

    lol jk jk
  4. kinda sounds like you need to broaden your horizons in life
  5. wow you guys really are smart... no adderall i take it for ADD. and i'm a college student so yes i am broadening my horizons :p I hadn't watched t.v the whole day and the second i did i felt great i think it was a chemical impulse in my brain relating to seeing something familiar for the first time in awhile.

    P.s i really wish you guys wouldn't jump to conclusions.
  6. please explain what thats suppose to mean? If it some type of insult to my intelligence then you won't succeed in bringing my attention off the topic.
  7. hey bro were not trying to insult you we didnt know it was for add I myself take meds for adhd

    we thought you were some meth head or something lol
  8. Oh, sorry for attacking y'all i just ingest it.:D But yes i am addicted to it not like i'm sweating or anything and don't really think about it i'm just really tired. I did take much more than i should have when a friend gave me some extras (as you'll notice in my later posts) so I'm not taking my medication for a couple days to avoid serious addiction.

    BTW would a meth head have a computer? :)
  9. attacking other drug users is stupid...we all use drugs...hello, that's why weed is illegal bc of the social stigma

  10. Nicely put.
  11. Indeed I'm not insulting meth users just people who give in to there addiction so much that they steal shit and do crap like that. To everyone there own :)

    EDIT we just went off the subject didn't we? :)

  12. Haha, true.

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