getting good grades in school?

Discussion in 'General' started by JaimieLynn, Jul 13, 2007.

  1. "Most kids who smoke marijuana don't make straight "A"s. Research shows that kids with an average grade of "D" or below were more than four times more likely to have used marijuana in the past year as kids who reported an average grade of A."

    I call bullshit. I always got good grades in school. =]
  2. I got straight A's my senior year and that was when I started smokin
  3. I'm in all honors and have taken several AP classes. But my GPA's currently <2.0 I think. Still have to take a couple more classes to graduate. I've failed so many classes because I didn't care but If I tried I could easly be in the top 10 of my class. (too late now though). I've always had little motivation for school, way before I smoked.
  4. I don't know, me and my friends all smoked a lot of weed during highschool and I graduated with a 4.0 and so did most of them (or close) but there was a bigger group of stoners that probobly all got C's and D's, but then again, the class one ahead of me at the time, were all stoners and they graduated with 4.0.. so that is my contribution to this thread. I call bullshit that stoners get bad grades.. not me
  5. I've never been a bad student, smoking weed has actually never really had any impact on my grades at all.
    I've actually maintained a few times that marijuana is what has kept me in school.. after a long shitty day at college there have been so many times when I just want to quit and say fuck it, but sitting down and smoking a joint after a long hard day helps you relax and puts everything back in perspective.
  6. I pulled out my freshman year of college with a 3.4GPA, people can kiss my ass if they say you make bad grades if you smoke, and I smoked damn near EVERYDAY.
  7. Finished out last semester with straight A's. I began smoking at the beginning of last semester.
  8. my freshmen year i did real shitty because i thought i could do whatever i wanted and not try, after that i maintained all a's and b's throughout high school and im now going to USF on scholarship
  9. I made straight A's my whole high school career and I was stoned for 2 of those years. I also know a lot of hardcore drinkers that made straight A's too. It just matters on the person I guess.
  10. Smoked daily throughout all 4 years of college and graduated with a 3.7
  11. I got A's in the classes that I enjoyed... the other ones, didn't do quite as well.

    That was both before and after I started smoking though.
  12. I graduated fourth in my class in high school, with a 4.07 GPA, and a 1570 [ Old Style ] SAT Score.

    I've made Dean's List the past three semesters, my cumulative collegiate GPA is 3.79.

    The study is bullshit anyway, correlation does not equal causation.
  13. Id say that the figures from that study are probably true. The conclusion is wrong though. They say that people who smoke have low grades because they smoke. I say that dummys just like smoking weed. They were not dumb because of the weed, they were dumb since birth, probably due to bad genetics and poor parenting.

    Just because a disproportionate amount of dummys smoke weed does not prove that smoking weed makes you dumb. They have to prove whether the chicken or egg came first before they can draw that type of conclusion. I say that they should check the peoples elementary school grades. Id bet that it proves that they were dumb way before they started smoking.

  14. Exactly. Especially the statement "Most kids who smoke marijuana don't make straight A's"... Most kids in general don't make straight A's. I love how they twist words. :rolleyes:
  15. started smoking in 8th grade... havent stopped... and i took trigonometry in 10th grade... AP calculus in 11th grade.. and my school didnt offer any higher maths for me my senior year :p
  16. oh and very very verrrry good point
  17. I think its coincidence atleast in my case

    started smoking pot at 15 and my grades started dropping, c-d's in highschool

    I have a year left of community college, smoking heavily ;) started out kind of rough but ive cracked down hardcore and have been getting A-B's. My GPA is hopefully 3.0 give or take a couple tenths, Havnt looked in a couple semisters, but thats a big improvement and im pretty happy about it :hello: hopefully I can make deans list atleast once.

    I havnt really changed my smoking, smoking alot more probably, but I think Im just so used to getting poor grades because I didnt really care in highschool that I blame it on the weed. But I smoke alot of weed and my grades are pretty decent

    I think being dry = poor grades :confused:
  18. I had stoner grades before I was a stoner.
  19. Everything you just said can be summed up by one of the golden rules of psychology: "Correlation does not mean causation". This research is a contradiction to the study of psychology. They should also check the demographic rather than categorizing, all using students. Few researches would do this study without background knowledge of the subject, let alone name it a fact. Science was ment to be passed on to other researches and build on theories and previous study. Eventually someone should debunk all this biased drug study bullshit.

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